Author: Gordon Howie

Sexual Predator

Is Fox News being led by a sexual predator? Gretchen Carlson says he is. Who do you believe? Carlson was dismissed suddenly, because of what she alleges was her unwillingness to accept sexual advances from Roger Ailes.  He adamantly denies…


Terror Attack The Media Ignores

The recent killing of policeman and innocent citizens is horrific. The media is reporting on these terrible events every day, all day.  Meanwhile, an even larger number of human lives are being quietly taken.  Over 3,000 every day.  It’s the…


Hate, Lies and Slander

Welcome to politics, 2016. The new response to anyone who disagrees with a particular candidate is now to brand them as a “hater”.  Even though I am not a fan of Clinton, or for that matter Trump, that does not make…


Born To Die

Babies born alive, then killed and sold for “parts”. Abortion workers may have delivered babies alive and then killed them in order to harvest their body parts, the House Select Panel on Infant Lives revealed in an interim report on…


The Pretense Of Understanding

Political leaders may not know as much as you think they know. During my service in the South Dakota State House and Senate I saw first-hand, the political inclination of some to serve themselves rather than the citizenry.  The thirst…


Longhorn Embryos

Texas Longhorn breeders have long understood the importance of genetics. AI (artificial insemination) has been a popular way to advance the quality of livestock for years.  It allows breeders to use the very best bulls in the business to improve their…


Presidential Campaign Slogans

There are only two candidates left standing. Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton.  Most Americans are not very excited about either of them.  There are still at least some rumbles from both parties about the possibility of dumping the presumptive nominees…


Why Doesn’t God Heal Everyone?

It’s a question most people have pondered. As always, the Scriptures provide some insight. Faith… believing that He IS, and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him, is an integral part of connecting with God.  Without…


Gun Control Is NOT Gun Safety

PLLLeeease!! “Gun Safety” is the new politically correct term for “We want to take your guns away”. The President and other Leftists are seizing the moment, with all the violence in America, to move aggressively forward with restrictions on the…
