Author: Gordon Howie

Peace In The World

Peace, Love and Joy. Three things most people are looking for. It isn’t that difficult to find these things.  They are a gift from the heart of God.  Todd White is someone who has found these gifts and can’t stop…


Longhorn Cattle Gaining In Popularity

That’s no surprise to Longhorn breeders. There are LOTS of incredible Longhorns across the country… and around the world.  The reason more people are joining the party is pretty simple… They are beefier, more beautifully colored, better dispositioned  with more horn…


Supreme Court Fails… Again

Today the “Supreme” Court struck down a Texas pro life law. Justice Kennedy was the “swing” vote, joining other leftist Justices in the decision. The law required abortion clinics to meet medical standards and required abortionists to have admitting privileges…


Where Is Omar’s Wife?

She is “No longer here”… Omar (the Orlando terrorist) Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, made that statement earlier this month.  He wouldn’t say WHERE she had gone, only that she (Noor Salman) wasn’t in the area any longer. Silence surrounds the…


Effective Chigger Relief

If you have ever suffered from Chigger bites, this could help. What is really nice, is that it actually WORKS. A possible better solution is to use some kind of anti-chigger spray if you know you will be exposed to…


Why The Left Loves Compromise

Ronald Reagan’s 80% rule has been turned upside down. It sounds so good to quote Reagan in the defense of compromise.  The Left LOVES it when conservatives buy that theory, hook line and sinker.  Actually, it is a good theory…


The Power Of Compromise

Compromise is a powerful thing. So is sin. A little of it goes a long way.  You have, no doubt, heard that one bad apple spoils the bunch.  Jesus said, ” a little leaven leavens the whole lump.” It has…


Two Trillion Dollars of Hidden Taxes

Actually, the number is probably much higher than $ 2 Trillion Dollars. Every year, American families pay more than $2 Trillion Dollars in HIDDEN TAXES. Where are these hidden taxes?  They are found in the consumer cost of government-imposed regulations.  Last year…


Public Television Promotes Abortion

Abortion providers like to call it “the procedure”.   If you were an unborn child and you could speak, you would call it murder. Abortion. South Dakota politicians boast to pro-life constituents that no public funding is given to Planned…
