Author: Gordon Howie

Romney vs Biden

Could that be the choice voters end up with?   It might only require two things, a brokered Republican convention and an indictment of Clinton. Super Tuesday might give us additional clues.  If Trump does not win convincingly, it could set…


Make America Moral Again

Political slogans promise what they can’t deliver. Do you remember “Hope and Change”? Now it’s “Make America Great Again”.  Trump repeats this sound bite ad nauseam, while openly pursuing a policy of slander and character assassination against anyone who dares…


Music That Inspires

Grateful. Hezekiah Walker is one artist that always inspires and encourages me.  His song, “Grateful” never fails to lift me up. Music is a powerful tool.  My music is very different from Hezekiah Walker, but it might also encourage you.…


Don’t Show Me Your Breasts

Please! I have struggled with whether or not to write this article, knowing that some people will be offended.  Sorry, it’s time someone said something about the value and virtue of modesty. First, let me say that the men I know do…


What’s In Trump Tax Returns

Audited every year for the last 12 years. Hmmmm…Isn’t this the man who massaged EVERY politician with contributions?  His repeated assertion that he “gets along with everyone”, backed up by his large financial contributions to Democrats should have insulated him from…


Risen, The Movie

I don’t do many movie reviews. For that matter, I don’t go to a lot of movies. BUT… the movie, RISEN, is a must see.  It is powerful and inspirational.  The entire showing will keep your attention, but one scene…


Senator Ted Cruz With Megyn Kelly

Debates are structured for “sound bites”. Taking time to actually listen to the candidates gives voters a better opportunity to evaluate them. Listen to Megyn Kelly talking with Senator Ted Cruz. ***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life…


Abortion 101

Dr. Anthony Levatino is a former abortionist. One day he looked at a re-assembled baby at the conclusion of performing an abortion.  He realized he had just taken the life of an innocent unborn child.  His personal story is very compelling. …


Can Anyone Stop Obama?

Closing Gitmo isn’t good for American security. That doesn’t matter to President Obama. He will announce today, his plans to relocate the remaining (and arguably the worst) to multiple locations within the United States.  Congress, even though both the House…
