Author: Gordon Howie

The Ferguson Solution

Rapid City South Dakota offers the solution. It is found at Faith Temple Church of God in Christ, 715 Kansas City St. This is a multi-cultural congregation that celebrates diversity and love of fellow man.  Right is called right and wrong…


Will America Survive?

 “The Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis, or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government. . . . … and I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable…


Repeal And Replace

Repeal and replace is the mantra of politicians who really support government run health care. You see, they can’t get elected if they don’t say “repeal”, but they can say “replace”, which gives them perfect cover.  BUT what they aren’t…


America… Wicked And Lawless?

Even at 96, the Reverend Billy Graham is crystal clear. Graham said, “our children are growing up in a “lawless and wicked age, infused with the philosophy of the Devil, who says, ‘Do as you please.’” That is pretty straightforward. …


NSA Surveillance Continues

In the shadows of the Senate vote on the Keystone Pipeline, a less reported defeat took place. The vote was 58-42 — all of the “no” votes came from Republicans. It was a bipartisan bill aimed at reining in the authority…


Mentoring Mothers

What if…. Abortion didn’t seem like the “best” option to a woman in crisis? What if…. There was a support system that gave women hope AND help? Well, there is.  If you live in France.  It includes home visits to pregnant…


You Owe $1,140,000.00

While America slept, Republicans and Democrats have been stacking up huge debt. This morning when you wake, the National debt is about to soar past $18 trillion dollars.  But that’s not the worst of it.  Unfunded liabilities add more than another…


National Cathedral Sells Its Soul

Today, Muslim prayers will be held at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., one of the most prominent Episcopal churches in America. Planners say they hope Friday’s service at the historic cathedral will foster more understanding and acceptance between Christians…


Winning Strategy

Give big, Reach high and Live large. It’s a great three point plan for a successful life. Give Big The stuff of life is about giving.  The impact you have on others is the only thing you can do that…
