Category: National News

National US News

Gun Owners Will Be Voting

Ted Cruz has an A+ NRA rating. That’s higher than any other candidate for President. The reception received by Senator Ted Cruz when he spoke to the NRA might be worth noting. These gun owners will be voting. Who do…


Do You Still Believe The Polls?

The polling propaganda influences some voters. BUT, the Iowa polls proved themselves wrong.  They OVER estimated Trump support by over 10 points, and underestimated Cruz and Rubio support by 13 points. That helps the media create the next story, about…


Rand Paul Suspends Campaign

Rand Paul has been a champion for liberty. He won’t be President in 2017, but he will continue to defend the principles of freedom that have made America great. That is a very good thing. Regardless of who becomes the…


Did You Miss The Party?

It was a very quiet celebration. Generally, when records are broken or milestones are achieved, it is followed with great celebration. This President and the Republican-controlled Congress just managed to take us to a new, higher level… of debt.  Not…


No Pain, No Gain

This morning in my personal reading… … it was mentioned of how our society has created a multi-billion dollar industry around convincing us that we need to change our bodily image and so we have industries created around the ideas…


Saint Bernard Puppies

Make an appointment to see these adorable little (not for long) puppies. Connie loves her Saint Bernards.  You will too. They are very sociable and affectionate.  See more at our website, or call Connie (605) 381-5738 They won’t last long,…


Islamic Terrorists Burn Children Alive

Dozens of children were brutally killed in Nigeria. It doesn’t get much press anymore. The continued death march of Islam doesn’t make the 24 hour news reporting media.  We have become desensitized to the brutality and horrific slaughter. Meanwhile in…


Trump And Palin Lose

The definition of winning changed tonight. It will be interesting to see the new Trump definition of winning. The Palin endorsement of Trump demonstrated that she no longer represents the moral, conservative majority in America.  That disappointed many of her…
