Category: National News

National US News

British Bomb ISIS Oil Fields

Apparently the British are not yet convinced… … that President Obama’s strong stance on climate control will render ISIS completely and irreversibly impotent. Reading between the lines in this article: 1.) The British are actually dropping their bombs, not having…


Terrorists And Attorneys

The family of the Muslim killers in San Bernardino have attorneys. They held a press conference today. In passing, they made the assertion that the entire Muslim community “does not support” this kind of killing.  In listening to the entire…


Run, Hide Or Shoot?

What should you do? Waiving a white flag will not save your life. Shouting to a terrorist that you support restrictions on gun ownership will not save you either.  So what should you do? Sheriff Joe Arpaio belives you should…


Police Cover Up In South Dakota

Did the Springfield, SD police cover up the killing of Duke? The allegation is that officer Douglas Magee picked up this family pet, drove six miles to an abandoned farm house where he shot the dog twice and hid his body. The…


God Isn’t Fixing This

After the anger subsided… I realized that this attack and intended insult toward God actually had an element of truth in it. God ISN”T fixing this. But it isn’t because He wouldn’t.  It isn’t because He couldn’t.  It isn’t because…


Why Do We Give??

Gwen Caldwell is someone who puts feet to her inspiration.  She is a living example of what giving should look like.  It is a great pleasure to share with you this letter from Gwen. A Reflection… We encourage you to…


It Was Terrorism

Yes, the San Bernardino shooting was terrorism. And yes, the shooters were Muslim. Are we learning anything yet?? Islam in South Dakota Doctrine of Bible and Koran South Dakota should refuse Syrian refugees ISIS targets Dakota residents America funds Muslim…


Gun Control Would Help

The question is.. “Who would it help?” And HOW would it help them? Obama, Clinton and even some Republicans are beating the drum for gun control in the face of acts of terror in our nation.  Their assertion is that…
