Category: National News

National US News

Real Freedom

Everyone seems to want freedom… …in some sort of fashion yet the truth is we are only truly free when we are ‘born again’ which is to say that we take on the Holy Spirit in a way that our…


Justice Denied

America… Land of the free, home of the brave. If you take a few minutes to watch this short video, you might question that statement. This striking story should compel you to do something… SOMETHING! I personally know several people…


Another Republican Leaves The Party

More conservatives are leaving the Republican Party. It’s not just a little thing. While Republicans are basking in the glory of recent election victories, they seem to have forgotten WHY they won and what they have been commissioned by voters…


Your Life Isn’t Over

If you are reading this, God isn’t finished with you yet. Regardless of your current position in life, you have an exciting future… if you will seize it! Dr. Myles Munroe delivered this powerful message in 1995 to an enthusiastic…


Trashing Ted Cruz

Rick Moran (that’s Moran, not moron) writes an article on PJ Media trashing Senator Ted Cruz. It’s typical rhetoric from the establishment Republican point of view.  Step one: abandon the principles which got you elected and do what voters told…


Year End Giving Saves Lives

Please consider Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center in your year-end giving. They are saving lives EVERY week.  Here is a personal testimony from one grateful mom. You can donate at        


Most Important Vote In A Decade

US Representative Michele Bachmann says her most important vote during eight years in office was the vote on the spending bill. This bill was about MUCH MORE than spending. This bill was NOT just about spending. Congresswoman Bachmann’s assertion that…


Spiritual Cowardice

Christians by and large, I believe, tend to be spiritual cowards. That may seem rather harsh but I have witnessed it far too often where someone likes the trappings (titles, image, etc.)of Christianity but when ‘push comes to shove’ will…


Farewell Remarks From A Patriot

Senator Tom Coburn gave a powerful and emotional farewell speech on the Senate floor.   If the country would follow his directions, we would solve our problems.  Most people won’t take time to listen to his entire speech even though…
