The Great Pretenders

Why are two South Dakota Governors pretending to oppose ObamaCare?

When, actually, they have supported the ObamaCare plan for YEARS…


The reason is really pretty simple.  It’s about being elected.  If voters were to see the record of these two Governors supporting the Obama health care agenda, they would not stand a chance of being elected or staying in office.

That’s why it’s so important for them to PRETEND to oppose government-run health care, while behind the scenes promoting it at every opportunity.



lora hubbel

Former South Dakota State Representative Lora Hubbel makes an interesting observation on a recent facebook post:

“The 2007 Executive branch (Rounds/Daugaard) had 4 bills that failed but were rolled into the Zaniya O-gaard-1Project. They wanted government-controlled healthcare under the influence of Tom Daschle. Look at HB 1166 and 1169 before it was hoghoused.  SB131 and HB1169 were for an INDIVDUAL MANDATE!!! They wanted to force you to …buy a government health care policy OR GO TO JAIL! SB132 and HB 1166 were for a HealthCare EXCHANGE!! These all failed but were rolled into the Zaniya Task force. Daugaard was the Chair for the Zaniya Project and came to the first meeting with 22 proposals…here is where the individual mandate and electronic networking for the Exchange was re-introduced. Rounds and Daugaard were pre-ObamaCare pushers…why do they pretend to not like it now?”

Dennis Daugaard, Governor of South Dakota… a great pretender

Mike Rounds, former Governor-now candidate for US Senate… a great pretender

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

gh7            “America needs to know the  truth, without which, she will surely lose her freedom.”

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1 comment for “The Great Pretenders

  1. Lora Hubbel
    October 15, 2013 at 10:59 am

    In an interview of Obama in March of 2012 by Kai Ryssdal, Obama was asked if he could get along with the 26 governors/AGs that filed a lawsuit against his HealthCare bill, Obama said:
    Absolutely, because frankly, these lawsuits that were filed were basically filed by REPUBLICANS who wanted to score POLITICAL POINTS. (!) And even some of those who filed suit are actually BEHIND THE SCENES WORKING TO PREPARE for a day when we’ve got exchanges in these states where people can be part of a larger pool so they can get a better deal on their health insurance.

    Odd that Rounds is working NOW at the Bipartisan Policy Center WITH DASCHLE (an architect of ObamaCare) where they both are influential for the policies of ObamaCare. Rounds also visited the White House several times the month before ObamaCare became law in 2010. How cozy

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