John McCain Censured for Being a RINO


Senator John McCain (R-AZ)

Senator John McCain (R-AZ)

It looks like a state Republican Party has finally done what many (including the South Dakota GOP) state GOPs should be doing: censured a member of their party for betraying the values and principles of the Republican Party.

From Fox News:

According to the resolution, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee has campaigned as a conservative but has lent his support to issues “associated with liberal Democrats,” such as immigration reform and to funding the law sometimes known as Obamacare.

Several Republican county committees recently censured McCain.

It’s about time. Would the members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) sit by and do nothing while one of their leaders publicly and prominently drove drunk on a regular basis? Would members of the medical community be silent if a prominent doctor repeatedly said publicly that habitually using meth was perfectly healthy and should be encouraged?

Then why should Republicans be silent and do nothing when a “Republican” leader promotes liberal policies and undermines people who support Republican policies? Tolerating such betrayals of values within their midst gives the impression to the public that such betrayals are okay with the larger body to which the betrayer belongs. This destroys the credibility of the organization in the public’s eye.

With the state convention coming up in a few months, I hope South Dakota Republicans will consider censuring some state officials who have web.ad03durangobetrayed documented Republican values and principles. Killing Second Amendment bills, bills to deal with illegal immigration, bills to fight ObamaCare, bills to promote personal responsibility, increasing the size of government, raising taxes, meddling in the free market, and similar liberal activities does NOT represent the Republican Party.

From the Tea Party News Network, this was the reaction when the motion to censure the sellout RINO came:

*** Bob Ellis *** Is a conservative writer and Life and Liberty News contributor

bob ellis

More commentary from Bob Ellis can be seen daily on the American Clarion


2 comments for “John McCain Censured for Being a RINO

  1. RINO Alert
    January 27, 2014 at 11:11 am

    Bob,David Montegomery pointed out the same problem in SD! Here we have the leaders of the House GOP voting more often as Democrats than Republicans! Tad Perry, David Lust, Rozum, Val Rausch, Charlie Hoffman, Fred Romkema, Charles Trubiville, Tona rozum, Justin Cronin

    No wonder our state spending keeps increasing and taxes keep going up!

  2. Scott Bartlett
    January 27, 2014 at 5:43 am

    As I’ve said many times, even though these guys and gals vote wrong, we can’t wait to walk in parades with them, hand out their fliers, sign their petitions, and have our pictures taken with them. Until we stop being their lap dogs, nothing will ever change. Perhaps if Kristi Noem’s petition drive started to fall short, she’d think twice about signing things like indefinite detention. Before we sign on to help, we need to get their assurance that they’re going to start voting right

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