Obama’s Deal With The Devil

The nuclear deal with Iran is a BAD deal.


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They are an enemy of America.

They are an enemy of America’s best ally, Israel.

Why???  Why??? would an American President consider ANY nuclear “deal” with an enemy who is a proven liar and vows to destroy us?

Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement on the President’s “deal” sums it up perfectly.


This “deal” is a betrayal of America and Israel.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon     “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”




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1 comment for “Obama’s Deal With The Devil

  1. July 15, 2015 at 7:24 am

    Prime Minister Netanyahu summed it up pretty well in the video embedded in the article, for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

    They aren’t getting rid of their centrifuges, just putting them on ice…for a while…if we can believe them. And they’ll be kept in underground facilities that are pretty much invulnerable to even bunker-buster bombs.

    Iran’s nuclear facilities at Natanz and Fordow, which they weren’t supposed to have in the first place under the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, now exist in the full light of day.

    In Obama’s desperation to get an agreement (i.e. what was once known as “peace in our time”), we gave up inspections at any time, anywhere (something you MUST have, in order to enforce any kind of agreement with people like this), for inspections here and there. And Iran gets 24 days to hide anything they don’t want us to see before the inspectors can actually show up.

    We shouldn’t forget that the kind of nuclear deal we gave to Iran is a deal that every radical Islamist regime in the region is going to want also–and we have absolutely zero reason to deny them now.

    Iran is and has been for many, many years the world’s foremost sponsor of terrorism around the world. Why anyone would want to make a deal with a rogue nation like this in the first place is beyond me, but now this steal, er, deal will enable them to sponsor even more terrorism (they’ll have more money thanks to some $150 billion in financial assets we’re freeing up for them, lifting of oil sanctions, economic sanctions, etc).

    And we shouldn’t forget that we’re making a deal with a country that does not hesitate to brutally oppress its own people–just the kind of folks any decent people wants to make deals with.

    Add to all this the insanity of making any sort of agreement with a people who believe in the doctrine of taqiyya, or religiously-approved lying and deceiving for the advancement of the Religion of Peace.

    Sum it all up, and we just went to the car dealership and paid $30,000 for a rusty 1984 Chevy Cavalier with frayed seats and no radio.

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