Can Dominion Theology Save America?

Everyone wants to “dominate” the political process.

Image result for dominion theology

The Democrats, the Republicans, humanists, Muslims, homosexuals… and, yes, even Christians.  Of late, Christians who promote a society guided by Scriptural principles are taking some heat from all sides.

Senator Ted Cruz, in particular, has dared to suggest that he would win if Christians would take their principles seriously and vote for him.  To some, that seems “over the top”.  Even some Christians have vilified him, suggesting that he believes in “Dominion Theology”.

Dominion Theology itself is demonized and maligned.  I will confess to not being a student of Dominion Theology, but to the extent it aligns with the definition published by Wikipedia, you could call me a supporter.

“Dominion Theology is a theory from the field of Sociology which describes a theocratic ideology which seeks to implement a nation governed by conservative Christians ruling over society based on an understanding of biblical law.”

There are many people who will attempt to make more of this than it is.  Simply stated, America is well served by following the laws of God.  The farther we have drifted away to accommodate “tolerance” of lifestyles and doctrines that run contrary to Christianity, the worse things have gotten.  Being guided by moral principles doesn’t mean the establishment of a state sponsored church and a Pastor instead of a President.  It means that the political process would honor the Word of God. The laws and policies of our government would reflect Christian moral principles.  Count me in.

Our national motto is “In God we trust”.  The South Dakota motto is “Under God the people rule”.  That’s the Dominion Theology I am talking about.

Dominion Theology would save America.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”



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1 comment for “Can Dominion Theology Save America?

  1. February 15, 2016 at 6:52 am

    True. From what I’ve read of so-called “dominionism,” it seems like a strawman, a caricature of what Bible-believing Christians actually believe in–you know, the type who thought that a people’s place in the world was something “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them” to, and that ” all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”

    The Left gets all in a lather at the thought of Christians once again leading our nation. For some, I have no doubt that the hysteria springs from a profound ignorance about our nation’s founders and founding principles. But some, I have to believe, know better…and simply loathe the prospect of bringing God’s Natural Law fully back into American public policy because they embrace the antithesis of God’s Natural Law.

    In any event, the recent hysteria about the most constitutionally-abiding presidential candidate’s alleged connection to so-called “dominion theology” is once again nothing more than an attempt by the Godless Left to scare good people into once again settling for the lesser of two evils.

    Sorry, no sale here.

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