Why Conservatives Are Unhappy With Republicans

 Conservatives are a minority in South Dakota Republican politics.a

Representative Mike Verchio

During my time in the State House of Representatives and State Senate, I saw Republican Legislators drift farther and farther to the left.  The leadership of Governors Rounds and Daugaard and the Legislative leadership talked a great conservative game.  Unfortunately, that’s what it was… TALK.

My personal angst with that mess was instrumental in my decision to run for Governor, and later for US Senate.  Anyone watching will remember those were not winning efforts.

Now, a long time Legislator with whom I served is ending his term in the House.  Representative Mike Verchio shared his sentiments on his facebook page.  South Dakota Republicans who still believe in the solid, conservative party platform should take serious heed to his farewell observations.

“Now that I have had time to reflect on the 2016 Legislative Session I think that I can make some observations . My reaction on my drive home Friday was , what the heck just happened ?
You do not need to be very right of center to recognize that big government won , Republican principles lost and that only a few members of the Legislature have an ounce of integrity . How can anyone say that they are Republican when they turn their backs on smaller government , family values and a restrained tax policy .
The entire administration and most of our leadership abandoned it all . They championed education policies that will not accomplish what they said . What it will do is punish small schools and force consolidation . They championed the destruction of our children’s right to privacy in their locker rooms and rest rooms . They championed a property tax reduction that won’t even make a tiny dent in most of our property tax bills . They brow beat and attempted to intimidate those who disagreed with them , even in the face of proof that they were wrong , and were successful in many cases .This was even a worse session than the Nelson fiasco . Most of us , on the right of center , who are not returning due to term limits , like me , have family responsibilities or are just tired of fighting a losing battle say good riddance to the Legislature . It has become unrecognizable in the blink of an eye . Watch very closely how this craziness plays out over the next couple of years .
I am sorry to end these eight years on a sour note .
Never forget though that serving you was the greatest honor and privilege of my life .”

Republican party leaders have lost their way.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”



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1 comment for “Why Conservatives Are Unhappy With Republicans

  1. Glenn Freeman
    March 16, 2017 at 3:04 pm

    Lawyers, journalists, & teachers all get a dose of liberal in college. The indoctrination seems to destroy conservative actions forever.

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