Why doesn’t the Obama Doctrine apply in Syria?

Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from an article written by Jeff Jacoby and first appeared at TownHall.com.


If the United States has good reason to support the popular revolt in Libya — and President Obama argued Monday night that there is “an important strategic interest in preventing [Moammar] Qaddafi from overrunning those who oppose him” — it has considerably more reason to do so in Syria.

The dictator’s troops have killed scores of protesters — more than 150, according to some accounts. In the town of Sanamin, witnesses told Al Jazeera of seeing 20 peaceful demonstrators gunned down in under 15 minutes.

If Obama is serious, why has there been no White House denunciation of the murder of protesters by Syrian security forces? Why haven’t US officials publicly exhorted the Security Council and the Arab League to take as strong a stand against Assad as they did against Qaddafi?

Rather than intensify the pressure on a regime that is every bit as odious as Qaddafi’s, and that arguably has more American blood on its hands that any other government in the Arab world, the Obama administration is bending over backward to reassure Assad.

On the Sunday talk shows, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton actually gave Assad her seal of approval. “Members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer,” she said. Reformer! Her characterization would be hilarious if it weren’t so sickeningly perverse.

Editor’s Note: The hubris and hypocrisy of this administration apparently knows no limits.


5 comments for “Why doesn’t the Obama Doctrine apply in Syria?

  1. yan bellavance
    May 12, 2011 at 11:56 pm

    ok so when 911 happenned then the whole world has to stand by and help the USA but when it happens to other countries we have all sorts of excuses not to. Explain to me why americans got mad at France for not backing them up when we went to Irak. Time for the world to come together nd get rid of this evil that is everywhere

    • Ed Randazzo
      May 13, 2011 at 6:35 am

      911 was not an US civil war. It was an attack against the infidels by Muslim jihadists. These Muslim jihadists attacked everyone who is not Muslim regardless of race or nationality. There is no parallel or similarity with the Egyptian, Libyan or Syrian internal conflicts. But you missed Jeff Jacoby’s point in his article.

  2. Independent
    April 1, 2011 at 9:10 am

    Yawn. More silly rhetoric from the extreme right. How utterly insignificant.

    • Ed Randazzo
      April 1, 2011 at 6:39 pm

      Let’s see, you couldn’t find anything that wasn’t true so you were bored. Thanks!!

      • Independent
        April 6, 2011 at 10:12 pm

        Close. I’m trying to help you out, since so many of your threads fail to illicit any posts from anyone.

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