Public Schools are a “Dead End”

That’s a quote from US Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos.

Image result for betsy devos

Here are a few of her other “controversial” statements/positions:

She prefers local control to determine if guns should be in schools for student protection.

On school choice, ” more options help students flourish.”

“Our current framework is a closed system that relies on one-size-fits-all solutions. We need an open system that envelopes choices and embraces the future.”

 “We should be funding and investing in students, not in school, school buildings, not in institutions, not in systems.”

The confirmation of DeVos as Education Secretary was the first ever cabinet secretary to require a Vice-President to cast a vote to break the tie.

You might wonder why she is so reviled by the left.  Could it be that she is a threat to the strangle-hold the Leftist Teachers Union has on the American school system?  She represents nearly everything they hate: School choice, common sense, local control and traditional judeo-Christian values.

The Leftist simply want to eliminate all Conservative Christian values in education…

… and everywhere else.

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media

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2 comments for “Public Schools are a “Dead End”

  1. Chplraj
    September 4, 2018 at 12:09 pm

    That is correct. Her brother is Eric Prince….they have, as a family, invested $millions into America to make it great again……She is the real deal a warrior thinking of the students whereas school districts now have mindset to take care of themselves on backs of students and homeowners……she knows it and they hate TRUTH

  2. Janette McIntyre
    September 4, 2018 at 7:33 am

    This is true Gordon. As I have said FOREVER the option of an education choice helps the people who have less means than others. Yes, the ones with the least ability to make an education choice would be helped the most. Those seen as rich/wealthy will always have the means to make the choice they want. It’s those who have limited means that the education choice could make all the difference in the world.

    And think about it this way. The education system is the one system that dictates that you have one option. The law saying that the state is responsible for “educating” the youth shouldn’t say where that education must take place. We wouldn’t accept that dictate in choosing doctors, lawyers, insurance, all the way down to who services our plumbing or electrical home needs right down to who cuts our hair. Why should we accept the governmental dictate for education?

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