America Needs to Shut Down Bloated Parts of Federal Government

Of course we should demand a strong wall or electric fence to deter illegals from entering our country. We also need to punish Sanctuary Cities and others who aid and abet and deceive miscreants into breaking our laws. To pay for the wall, steep fines should be levied against businesses who knowingly hire undocumented laborers.

     As President Trump has suggested, our National Guard units can gain valuable engineering experience in completing the project, though the primary benefit will be to encourage otherwise decent people to stay in their ancestral homelands to fight for justice.

     Selective government shutdown is a worthy symbolic solution that should be tried, in answer to how stalemated and effete our democratic processes have become over the years, hardly a model for the rest of the world. Beyond actual funding for the wall, then we can at least take aim at something that conservatives have long since found egregious: America’s bloated federal government.

     We all know about our run amok welfare systems that have become normalized, especially shackling and defeating the recipients themselves. Then there’s the vast bureaucracy, a large percentage of which is staffed by sinecurists, whose jobs are protected by union-style “tenure” programs as well as by politically correct shielding from honest validation and evaluation of work performance.

     To be sure, liberals in the Democratic Party and GOP will team up with the mainstream media to steer attention away from shutdowns that would be healthy for the country.  We’ll see a lot of cherry-picking and grandstanding and posturing instead.


1 comment for “America Needs to Shut Down Bloated Parts of Federal Government

  1. Brad Ford
    January 1, 2019 at 5:11 pm

    This interesting question appeared in today’s Rapid City Journal: “Three-hundred-eighty-thousand nonessential federal workers are being furloughed during the government shutdown. Does anyone have knowledge of a corporation or company hiring full time nonessential employees?” (Two Cents column)

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