How Americans REALLY Feel About Trump

This ‘open letter’ to President Trump reflects the views of many Americans.

(include me)

My Friend, Bill Hines, said it very well in these comments.

“An open letter to President Trump and First Lady Melania;
Dear Mr. President, Sir, I confess, I was skeptical of you at first. I voted for you only because I could see what a disaster for America the alternative would be.
In the first 2 years of your presidency you have performed better than I could have hoped in my wildest dreams.
You are the first president in my lifetime who has kept the promises you made in your campaign.
Many presidents talked moving our embassy to Jerusalem. You did it . Many have talked tax cuts, you did it.
Many talked strengthening our military, you did it. And the list of the good things you have done for America goes on and on.
How you could achieve so much good for America, while battling a do-nothing Congress, and a left wing anti-American media is nothing short of amazing.
Sir, there is much left that needs done, so I humbly ask you to run again in 2020. Mr. President, there are many millions of meat eating, Bible believing, freedom loving Americans who appreciate what you are doing for us. Thank you!
Dear First Lady Melania, Wow, what a welcome change you have brought to the White House.
Your beauty and your intelligence; your elegance and quiet dignity; your faith in God and your love of America all set a high example for our daughters and grand daughters to aspire to.
I know it must be very hard to watch your husband constantly attacked by the viscious opinion shaping media, but we need him for another term.
And so, I humbly ask you to sacrifice another 4 years for the good of our nation.
And now for both of you. In South Dakota, the buffalo is a symbol of strength and perseverance.
We get some viscious storms here, with snow measured in feet, and winds of 50-60 mph.
Cattle will turn tail to the storm and drift with the wind until they pile up in corners, trampling each other.
In contrast, the buffalo faces into the storm, and holds fast until the storm passes.
I think there is a lesson here.
As soon as the storms come, the congress turns tail and drifts with whatever direction the political wind blows.
In contrast, President Trump faces into the storm and perseveres to overcome it.

My hat is off to you Sir. And, Melania, millions of Americans love and appreciate you.
God bless you both. We’re praying for you!
Bill Hines”


4 comments for “How Americans REALLY Feel About Trump

  1. January 26, 2019 at 1:18 am

    Thats all true we love our President. Hes the best ever.

  2. Glenn Collins
    January 25, 2019 at 6:29 pm

    God help us! These people are insane.

  3. January 25, 2019 at 5:03 pm

    Who is this guy and where are his morals, dignity, respect for our country? Sounds like one of those religious, bible thumpers that think the man in the WH is a man of God. I’m sick at the thought of this many illerates in this country.

    • January 29, 2019 at 12:17 am

      I think you meant “illiterate” Jean. If that is what you meant to say, you demonstrate your own point, but it isn’t us “religious Bible (capital B) thumpers”. 🙂

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