Does A Christian Nation Allow Gentle Abortions

The smiling face of a woman identifying herself as Mary Anna Bansil welcomes visitors to an abortion clinic website.

The website offers “Gentle Abortions. No pain. No memory”.

This particular abortion mill has a price list ranging from $360.00 to $1,700.00.  All of the prices include anesthesia, so the mother is not conscious while her unborn child (up to six months old) is being killed.

Gentle?  Hardly.  While the mother is not alert, the child is being dismembered alive.  That hardly seems gentle.

No pain? Irrespective of the physical pain experienced by the child as it is being torn apart (science shows pre-born children actually have an ACUTE sense of pain), the mother will experience a lifetime of pain.  Whether she is awake or asleep during the killing of her child, it is a burden that will cause her pain for the rest of her life.  She may even choose to end her own life as a result of the emotional pain of knowing she participated in the killing of her child.  Many women do.  The mother will probably experience the pain of bad relationships or the total inability to even have a healthy relationship with her mate or her other children.  She may also suffer drug or alcohol addiction in an attempt to hide the pain.  Promiscuity may be another route she takes, hoping to reduce her suffering.  No pain?  Indeed.

No memory?  That is simply a lie.  While the mother may not have a memory of the proceedure that killed her child while she slept, she will always have the memory that she made the appointment, paid the money and chose to sleep as someone tore her baby apart within her.

Another abortion mill in New York City offers a “natural abortion”, promoting it as the most natural abortion method.  There is nothing different about this kind of abortion; it just uses a manual suction to tear the child apart instead of an electric one.  It’s “natural” because there’s no disturbing suction noise.

This is all so brutal it is even difficult to write about it.  When, in the name of God, will America put an end to this wickedness.

Believers everywhere were abhorred when Obama declared “America is not a Christian nation”.  The sad truth is, that we may no longer be.  How can we call ourselves a Christian nation when we kill over 3,500 little children every day… with gentle, pain free, no memory abortions?

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


3 comments for “Does A Christian Nation Allow Gentle Abortions

  1. Anne Beal
    November 8, 2011 at 7:23 am

    I am always amazed/horrified by the usual blather from people who believe that carrying a child to term is so awful that it justifies murder to avoid it. Yes, childbirth makes for a very bad hair day. You might go into labor during a manicure or some other equally significant appointment. You might even miss a great sidewalk sale at Macy’s.
    I think that any woman who seriously believes a little nausea and discomfort is too much to bear to save a life should be required to sign a binding affidavit that if she is ever diagnosed with cancer, she will opt for death rather than treatment. This will save billions in health care costs, and will help weed the useless wimps out of society.

  2. November 8, 2011 at 5:46 am

    Now I get it. A Christian nation prefers to make such procedures illegal, unsafe, and brutal. You want to punish women.

    • November 8, 2011 at 7:05 am

      NO……….as usual you absolutely wrong and disingenuous in your statement. C’mon Corey, you hurl charges that are obviously not true. A Christian and therefore a Christian nation would reach out to those that carelessly snuff out a life merely for their convenience or to assuage their guilt for a mistake. But what they have done is place themselves above God. They have sinned and want to destroy the evidence. But the evidence can never be hidden from God. That is not to say that the partners in sin (both the woman and the man) are to be judged by us but that they should be informed, enlightened and encouraged by the forgiveness of God. Murder is not their only option, nor ther best option. God in His great grace and mercy will forgive them and will also provide the strength they need to walk in the light of His forgiveness and grace.

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