NRA Endangering Our 2nd Amendment Rights….Again

Every organization should excel at something. The NRA has once again flexed their muscles and once again is endangering our 2nd Amendment rights.

I’m sure there was jubilation in NRAville as they bullied and badgered House members to vote for their latest scheme to compromise with the gun grabbers in Washington. The cowed legislators bow and scrape to La Pierre and Cox because they are afraid that they wont get that A rating at re-election time.

There’s no thought given to the fact that the passage of H.R.822 in the House has now really exposed gun owners to the likes of Obama, Holder, Clinton, Reid, Schumer, Boxer, et al. who will now have a  real shot at real gun control. Every one of the aforementioned don’t even want you to have a gun, let alone carry it across state lines unimpeded. And the NRA has now given them a real shot at control.

Try to follow this, especially you NRA sycophants, who “trust” the NRA.

H.R.822 was passed through the House Judiciary Committee without amendments. Why? Because the Republicans control the House.

H.R.822 was passed on the House floor unamended, despite at least 9 valiant attempts to amend it to be an altogether anti-gun bill.   Why? Because the Republicans control the House.

Bravo? We’ll see.

The bill now goes to the US Senate. The Senate does not have a corresponding bill and so it will take up the House bill at Harry Reid’s pleasure and likely attach it to a bill that Republicans will not be able to vote against. Sound good?


The Senate will amend the bill to be a grossly anti-gun bill before the final vote. Why? BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS CONTROL THE SENATE.

At the very least, we will wind up with a law that severely limits who can get a concealed carry permit, we will have a national registry of permit holders who can afford the training and permiting fees required, the permit holders will likely be fingerprinted, probed and tatooed and think of all the new federal employees to help us comply.

All thanks to the NRA. Thanks Wayne and Chris, you are real champions at getting things done.

The NRA may have started out with the right intentions but their only goals these days are to collect money, compromise our rights away and proclaim how great they are.

***Ed Randazzo, is a nationally syndicated author. He has been a conservative activist and consultant for over 30 years and is currently the Chief News Editor of Life and Liberty Media***





1 comment for “NRA Endangering Our 2nd Amendment Rights….Again

  1. DPMT
    November 18, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    This should remain a state’s rights issue, but as usual, the feds want to try to control us on THIS, too. The inmates are running the asylum!

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