Rush Limbaugh-It’s Time to Panic (Part 3)

Editors Note: This is the final installment of a 3-part series written by guest author Susan D. Harris. To access Part 1 of this series click here; to access Part 2 of this series click here.

Our country was originally taught not to connect with our enemies nor compromise our beliefs, but to separate ourselves from those oppressive forces that wanted to quell us.


“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” (Declaration of Independence, 1776)


We’ve done a fair job of declaring our causes, but we keep diving in the pool to make friends with the antagonists who are peeing in it.  We’ve let this country deteriorate to the point that quoting our own founding fathers will alert the Department of Homeland Security.


“…That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” (Declaration of Independence, 1776)



The question that no one dares ask is “How do we abolish it?”  We cannot even whisper it without hearing stories that the ‘ole fox we put in charge is trying to silence a few more hens in the middle of the night.  Instead of serious talk of impeachment, instead of throwing off our normalcy bias, instead of taking to the streets in protest — we watch the Occupy Wall Street movement and all its tentacles take to the streets in some sort of mass hysteria against “the powers that be” while we condemn them for causing social upheaval.  While we struggle to understand their motives and their backers, the irony of it is amazing.  We should be the ones protesting in the streets. We should be the ones proclaiming, “Enough is enough.”  Still we watch from the sidelines; confused, castrated and apparently unable to identify our enemies or predict their next move.



In the midst of this, we are seeing the wheat separated from the chaff within our own ranks.  We watched those that report the news passionately take sides. While Matt Drudge has exposed much of the hubris of the Obama administration, simultaneously he almost single handedly destroyed Newt Gingrich’s campaign for Republican nominee.  He culled and posted story after story of anti-Gingrich attacks, lamentations, and soapbox vitriol over such a short period of time it was the equivalent of volcanic ash raining down on Pompeii.  Republicans formed mental flash-mobs and ran for their torches to pile on.  In the process, we lost what many of us believe was our best man for beating Obama.  Consistently manipulated, they’ve failed to realize that the left wants Romney just as much as Anne Coulter, Chris Christie, Karl Rove, and John McCain.  Even Michael Savage, a Conservative who enjoys hating other Conservatives, embraced Romney after offering Gingrich $1 million to drop out of the race and embraced Romney.  Instead of being unified against Obama, we turned on each other.  Early cries of “ABO” — (Anybody But Obama), quickly splintered into “Nobody but My Guy.”  Dwindling our choices further, the media told us there were only two candidates, Romney and Santorum.  Conservatives have been forced to pick from contenders they didn’t even feel were in the running.  Unlike Biblical Samuel asking Jesse “Are these all the sons you have?” Conservatives were hit with the terrible truth that there is no David to summon from the field.  While I won’t exhaust the reader with all the reasons why both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum would lose against an Obama Presidency, the fact that the mainstream media, i.e., the Social Progressives, kept hoisting Romney on their shoulders while singing, “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” should have made Conservatives a tiny bit suspicious.  Still, Romney is morphing into our ideal candidate, and should soon be officially nominated Power Ranger for the party.



Romney will be on the defensive explaining the bane of his capital.  The Obama machine will roll it’s away across the country cutting down everything that seems good, proper, and reasonable.  In spite of tremendous unemployment and crippling gas prices, despite drowning in executive orders and new rules and regulations that emerge every day to impede our lives, throngs of shining faces will once again be mesmerized with the Chosen One’s charisma and follow his empty promises into voting booths across the land.  Miracles will happen, and the dead will vote.



In the end, I sit and wonder what I can do.  I’d go to a public area and protest, but like most people I don’t feel like being run down in the street in what would inevitably be written off as an isolated incident.  I would try to protest the arson of my country by threatening self-immolation, but we’ve come to the point that even that flashpoint would fail to make a dent in the 24-hour news cycle.  (At least when the Arabs do it, the act is usually met with cries for justice, but we are too rational for that.)  Shall I write my Congressmen?  (Insert laugh here.)  Either they are in the enemy’s camp or their hands are tied too.  Shall I call my radio or TV station?  Shall I fight for “good” until the end or shall I put away my sword? Shall I fall to my knees in prayer?


Everyone has advice.  They hide behind their keyboards and lament a world spinning out of control, then order a pizza and watch the game.  Did I miss something? Is there no Plan B?  Is there no secret meeting at the clubhouse?  If not, then join with me in a dirge for the “shining city on the hill” because I am sick and tired of enduring this long and painful death of the Republic.


Editors Note: This is the final installment of a 3-part series written by guest author Susan D. Harris. To access Part 1 of this series click here; to access Part 2 of this series click here.

Susan D. Harris is a freelance writer located in Upstate, NY.


3 comments for “Rush Limbaugh-It’s Time to Panic (Part 3)

  1. John
    April 18, 2012 at 3:23 pm

    Newt was arguably the most LIBERAL candidate who was running for president.

    I find it laughable that any self-described “conservative” would bemoan the fact that Newt’s campaign is pretty much dead in the water.

    He openly expresses admiration for FDR (who is the very prototype of a big-government progressive), he voted IN FAVOR of establishing the federal Department of Education (when there is NO AUTHORITY in the Constitution to do so), and he was also supportive of the TARP program that bailed out the failing investments of the “too big to fail” banks.

    More recently, he expressed his support for renewal of the liberty-infringing “Patriot Act as well as the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA.

    Newt is and was a statist who shamelessly masqueraded as a “Reagan Conservative”.

    The fact that anyone actually believed Newt to be conservative speaks highly of the quality of indoctrination services provided by the public schools and main stream media.

    • Susan D. Harris
      April 20, 2012 at 9:12 am

      Did you just make the point that the public schools and the mainstream media might be responsible for people thinking Newt was conservative? The schools are busy training their army of students to defend the earth against “humankind,” and the mainstream media crucified Newt. Viewers watched as Fox News repeatedly called him a bitter, rambling idiot (which made them look stupid for having had him on previously as a much-respected Fox News contributor.)

      And did you also start out your comment claiming Newt was the most Liberal candidate? Really? Even compared to Mitt Romney? Because I was going to rebut your points, but I’m not even sure it’s worth it after those statements. It is also suspicious that you do not defend or promote a candidate, but only attack one.

      Your cherry-picked anti-Newt points are not good enough to make your case. Newt had a 90% voting record with the American Conservative Union. He was a Reagan conservative (if you didn’t live through that time, ask Michael Reagan.) He was also the only candidate who repeatedly talked about Obama’s Saul Alinsky philosophy, a key to the current destruction of our country. A live debate between Gingrich’s intellect and Obama’s teleprompter would have been something to see. We can only hope that Romney can keep learning his conservative lines quickly enough to stay in the ring with the Chosen One’s teleprompter.

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