The World We Live In

Having just returned … … from the land of my ancestors (Europe) I thought it important to share some perceptions. If Europe with centuries of history serves as a mirror of what younger nations (ex. USA) will one day look…


Emergency Global Warming Alert

*** Warning*** If you are not interested in knowing the TRUTH about global warming, STOP NOW, and IMMEDIATELY discontinue reading this article! Professor emeritus, Richard Lindzen has given a complete and accurate evaluation of “global warming” for Prager University.  …


The Misleading Media

If you want truth… Don’t count on the media! According to Prager University, three factors have contributed to the media failure: A decline in reporting standards A decline in revenue An increase in bias This short video gives an excellent…


Who Increased The Debt?

Impressed by the popular meme shown above? If you are a Democrat, this simply illustrates the facts and merits a quick Facebook re-post rather than an objective analysis.  Especially since it has already been verified by Snopes! Viola–home run. The…
