
Continuous Rhetoric Against Principle.

Truth is not part of the agenda for the Obama administration.  Muslim doctrine encourages lying when it is advantageous.  The Obama administration has obviously adopted that doctrine to assail traditional American principle of truth.

The Administration:         Benghazi was a spontaneous response to a video.

The Truth:   It was terrorism.  Obama knew it.  Clinton knew it.  The Ambassador made numerous pleas for help.  He and other Americans were simply left to be murdered; abandoned, if not targeted for death by these leaders.

The Administration:         Didn’t know about the IRS targeting conservatives, and will investigate to find who is responsible… if it happened.

The Truth:    IRS officials have already admitted it was done.  The administration already knows who was in charge, and could easily find out who targeted people.  Could it have been anyone in the White House?

Obama:    No one’s taxes will go up a dime.

The Truth:     Taxes have gone up… not just a little.  They are going up MORE.

New problems seem to be surfacing daily for the President.  Could it be that he has created so much C.R.A.P. that it has now reached critical mass?

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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