Obama Dictates To Congress

Increasing America’s debt ceiling isn’t negotiable.

That’s the message from the White House. Like it or not, the President will have an increased debt ceiling. According to his Secretary of Treasury, Jack Lew, the White House simply won’t allow anything less than a larger debt ceiling.

The Secretary said, “We will not negotiate over the debt limit.”

He continued by saying, “The creditworthiness of the United States is non-negotiable. The question of whether the country must pay obligations it has already incurred is not open to debate.”

The President and his big-spending friends want us to believe that America will not “pay it’s bills” if we don’t allow them to spend MORE money. It is painfully obvious to rational minds that this problem has a solution; CUT SPENDING!

There is no need for America to default on debts, if the President and Congress will CUT SPENDING. It is time for them to make the hard choices and reduce the amount of money they are spending rather than continue to increase it. Attempting to spin this spending increase as being fiscally responsible is another example of the deception used by the left. They want citizens to believe that spending more money is the only way out of the crisis of debt they (Congress and the President) have created.

It’s nearly unbelievable that so many people would simply accept the false premise that America’s creditworthiness will be destroyed if we don’t spend (borrow and spend) more money. Exactly the opposite is true. Our creditworthiness can only be preserved by spending cuts… REAL cuts, not just reducing the amount of increased spending. It is the policy of tax more-spend more that has already resulted in America’s credit rating being lowered.

Will Americans believe this new lie?


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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