South Dakota’s Solyndra

Mike Rounds and Barack Obama; what do they have in common?


They may share more than just a nice smile.

Each of these political leaders seem to have the opinion that government should help pick winners and web.ad98mustanglosers.  They both support government-run health care and high level associates have shown up dead.

One of Obama’s best known scandals is the $535 million dollar government loan to Solyndra, the failed solar energy company.

Mike Rounds may have his own South Dakota scandal to deal with.  The bankrupt Northern Beef Packers Plant in Aberdeen, SD is now under investigation by state and federal authorities.  The Governors office of economic development is also under investigation for alleged financial misconduct.  The gunshot death of Richard Benda, who was the Rounds Cabinet Secretary for the office of economic development is also under investigation.

Millions of dollars given and loaned to Solyndra and the Northern Beef Packers Plant gives rise to many questions.

Couldn’t the private sector do more with these millions of dollars (tax dollars) than the government?

Nicolas Loris, writer for the Heritage Network made this observation about the Solyndra loans from the federal government, “with the government dropping half a billion in taxpayer money on Solyndra, there’s the direct loss of nearly 1,900 employees, and there’s the opportunity cost of what the private sector could have done with the labor and capital diverted to Solyndra”.

Why did these two companies favored by Rounds and Obama go broke after receiving millions of taxpayer dollars?

Will the investigations into the mysterious death of close associates ever be completely solved?

It will be interesting to see who ends up owning the Northern Beef Packers Plant after all the dust settles.  It would also be interesting to know where the millions of South Dakota taxpayer dollars went.  Maybe we will someday discover who the recipients of all the money are really connected to.

For now, all we have is a bankrupt company, millions of South Dakota Tax dollars down the drain, a close associate of Mike Rounds dead from a mysterious gunshot wound and several “investigations”.

Government loans and gifts to companies that fail don’t just happen in Washington DC.

South Dakota has it’s own “Solyndra”.


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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