Recipe For Healing

A message of hope, inspiration and challenge.

America’s only hope for restoration is for men, women and children to turn their hearts toward God. This Sunday message is one that is good for every day of the week.

*** Pastor Ron Burtz***

When a nation comes under divine judgment, as many believe the United States is experiencing right now, there is a way out.

God gave the nation of Israel such a prescription in 2 Chronicles 7:14, where we read, “If my people (God’s people) who are called my name will”, first of all, humble themselves. That means to see ourselves as God sees us, to turn away from our self-sufficient pride, and to put God in His proper place in our lives.

We’re also to pray and seek God’s face…and we’ll get to those steps next time, but for now let’s focus on the last part of the prescription…Turn from their wicked ways. I find it interesting that the instructions to pray and seek God’s face are sandwiched between steps that have to do with the attitude and lifestyle of believers.

You see if we don’t humble ourselves we’ll never pray as we should, and if we continue in open sin we will be more apt to run from the face of God than to seek it.

In 1904 a young preacher by the name of Evan Roberts was used by God to spark the Welsh Revival in England. The seeds of revival were sown when Roberts urged the web.ad98mustangfolks attending a prayer meeting in his home congregation to take four steps. See if these don’t sound familiar…

1) You must obtain full and complete pardon for the sins of the past. If the past is not aright it must be made so. Every sin you know of confess it honestly before God. 2) Is there anything doubtful in your life? If so it must be removed and done away with. 3) Complete and immediate obedience to the Holy Spirit. 4) Make a public and personal confession of Christ.

When the people in Roberts’ church began to practice humility and repentance God began to move in mighty ways and revival came to Wales.

First John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. What if God’s people in America were to practice the instruction of that verse…to keep short accounts with God and pursue a lifestyle of purity?

Well, it might be the beginning of the next Great Awakening.

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, today would be a GREAT day to begin! It’s easy:

A. Admit you are a sinner.

B. Believe that Jesus died to purchase forgiveness for your sins.

C. Confess Jesus as your savior.

Now… you are saved. Your new life has BEGUN. Find a Bible believing, Gospel preaching church. Read your Bible and pray (talk to God). May God bless you as you trust and obey Him in everything you do!


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