Save Abused Animals For $19.00

Am I the only one bothered by the Christmas plea for abused animals?

For just $19.00 per month, you can save poor, abused animals.

Let’s be clear. Abusing animals is NOT an acceptable thing. That isn’t where my objection lies.

What bothers me is that while these ads are pleading for $19.00 per month to “save the animals”, little children are being killed before they take their first breath.web.ad08chevy

No national fund raiser there…

The Huffington Post reports that while Christmas spending is up this year, giving to charities is actually down. Some other sources suggest that Christmas spending may actually be down this year, just over $800.00 per family.

One thing is certain. Every day 3,000 little children are deprived of their most basic right… the right to LIFE.

While we continue with our Christmas shopping and support for abused animals, has America forgotten the little children?

The Bible story of the good Samaritan paints a picture of people simply turning their head and “walking around” the man left to die. That story ended well, no thanks to the men who turned their head.

Will you be one of those who turns away, or will you purpose to do something to save these precious little ones who are the most defenseless of all?

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“America needs to know the truth, without which, she will surely lose her freedom.”

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1 comment for “Save Abused Animals For $19.00

  1. December 26, 2013 at 1:53 am

    Thank you for what you do, and for the stand you take against the plight of the unborn.

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