Killing Obamacare

When I introduced the Health Care Freedom Act in the 2010 session of the South Dakota State Senate, establishment Republicans and Democrats joined forces to kill the bill.

 It would have stopped Obamacare in South Dakota.  Why, you may ask, didn’t Republicans support the legislation??  The answer might surprise you.

Insurance companies have a built in guarantee… the promise of another huge government bailout, if they don’t make money.

ObamaCare includes a provision to bail out big insurance companies when their revenues decline.

Charles Krauthammer suggests that Congress MAY have a chance to stop Obamacare… IF they would seize the opportunity.

It is unfortunate that many House and Senate members (Republicans included) are unwilling to go to the mat to end this government takeover of health care.  Some of them have direct ties to the insurance and health care industries, and  stand to personally benefit from the implementation of Obamacare.  We can hardly expect them to take a stand against something that benefits them personally.

Harry Reid has suggested that anyone receiving contributions from the Koch brothers should be required to wear a “sponsor” logo on the Senate floor.  He hasn’t commented on the money he received from them.

What might be interesting is a disclosure of which House and Senate members are in businesses, like insurance companies and health care companies, that stand to benefit from ObamaCare.

Do we really believe that someone in the insurance business or health care industry that would benefit directly from Obamacare can be trusted to end it?

Senator Ted Cruz has been willing to stand against Democrats and liberal Republicans and demand an end to  Obamacare .

Others have given lip service to this issue.  While they publically demand that we stop Obamacare, they will not risk their own political capital to do anything when it really counts.  They actually work AGAINST those who are genuinely trying to get the government out of health care.

Perhaps it would be interesting to know who is highly invested in the insurance and health care industries, and how they might benefit.

***Gordon Howie is an author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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