Jackley For Governor

It’s no secret that Attorney General Marty Jackley would like to be Governor.

Before you read further, dispel from your thoughts any idea that this is a “hit”” piece.

I have no personal axe to grind with the AG.  During my time in the Legislature, my interaction with him, although not extensive, was always professional and pleasant.  My observations during that time were that he was competent and professional in his conduct.

In conversation yesterday, the topic of Jackley running for Governor was raised by a prominent political operative.  The question that followed caught my interest, “Is Jackley hurting his chances of winning by the perception that he is persecuting Bosworth?”

Not everyone shares the view that the 12 felony charges against Bosworth is over-reach or political persecution.  What might surprise some establishment types, however, is the large and growing number of people who see this case as exactly that.  Some polling on the subject would be very revealing.  (I don’t mean a useless internet poll).  What I am hearing is that this case strikes people as akin to the Obama and Nixon use of IRS to attack conservatives.  It’s like the ever-less popular Boehner now punishing his rivals.

Whether that is true or untrue is not the issue.  The PRECEPTION of whether it is true or untrue is significant.  It has been said that in politics, perception is reality.  It is true that even ONE felony conviction would cost Bosworth her license to practice medicine.  That seems like a pretty extreme penalty to most people, and makes the AG look like a vengeful bully in the eyes of many watching this case.

SOooo… if that is indeed the perception, could it be a chicken that comes home to roost when (if) Jackley runs for Governor.  I think so.  There is a significant contingent of reasonable conservative voters who have had their fill of the good old boys style of politics.  Candidates who find themselves blemished with the perception (true or untrue) that they are one of “those” may find it much more difficult to win.

The reasonable thing to do in the Bosworth case would seem to be a misdemeanor charge with a penalty and no felony charges.  That would be a win-win situation.  Bosworth accepts a reasonable consequence and the integrity of the election process is preserved.

Another “win” might be for the Jackley for Governor committee.


***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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3 comments for “Jackley For Governor

  1. Lorahubbel
    January 9, 2015 at 9:46 pm

    It’s not just Annette…look what he did in the Mette rape case…he basically threw those poor girls into the lion’s den, where they remain today. He gave the rapist a slap on the wrist and then got spanked by a judge when he lied to press false charges against the girls’ advocates. AND let’s not forget how he has hidden the autopsy of Richard Benda…he would (and should) be embarrassed if he could hear SD talk at the watercoolers that, “we are not that dumb ” to accept a “suicide” where a man shoots himself in the gut with a shotgun …..stands the gun up against a tree…falls over dead….AND THERE IS NO BLOOD! Finally, he got spanked again when he tried to keep me off the November Ballot. We better nip this cartel in the bud or SD will become the as oppressive as China (don’t get me started on SD and China!)

  2. Nick Reid
    January 9, 2015 at 8:22 am

    Jackley is just continuing to use his office to punish anyone that dares to oppose him. A run for governor would give him no place to hide from the truth of his current ridiculous actions agains Bosworth and his past deeds against others. Putting him in the spotlight may be just what South Dakota needs to be rid of him.

  3. Lars Aanning
    January 8, 2015 at 8:23 pm

    I agree that Jakley should quit his full court press on Bosworth…if he runs for Governor there are more important issues he needs to deal with…

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