Muslim Prayer At Sioux Falls Airport?

The act of prayer is a good thing.

Generally, no one objects to peaceful prayer.  But shouldn’t we consider the theology behind the religion?

We have received a report that in the airport at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, there is open and public praying by a Muslim.


This picture of an Ethiopian Muslim praying was sent to us by a concerned employee at the airport.  The report is that this Muslim is an employee of a rental car company, and has begun a regular prayer vigil openly in public.  At a glance, it might not concern you.  But is it the beginning of the Islamic march to infiltrate (and control) South Dakota?  Should that even concern anyone?

Consider the Muslim theology:

  • be converted or killed

  • mutilation, oppression and murder of women

  • acts of terrorism

  • killing and oppression of Christians

  • sharia law

This simple act of prayer might be viewed by some as innocent enough; nothing to worry about.

Maybe… maybe not.  Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.



4 comments for “Muslim Prayer At Sioux Falls Airport?

  1. Nate Peterson
    March 28, 2017 at 12:51 pm

    OOOOH NOOO! The beginning of the Islamic march to infiltrate (and control) South Dakota! Say it out loud to fully realize how ridiculous this really is. LMAO

  2. Terri
    February 1, 2015 at 4:15 am

    This is allowed because we Christians don’t make much noise or stand for our beliefs. If the Muslims hear about anyone coming against this there will be a huge stink and make the news because they won’t sit still for it. We need to be more passionate as Christians to show our faith instead of meekly hiding in the corner hoping someone else will do it for us.

  3. GayLynn Lang
    January 29, 2015 at 11:55 pm

    How is it prayer of any kind is allowed in a Federally funded facility? If a Christian can’t post the 10 commandments there why should a Muslim who will make the flying public very nervous be allowed to intimidate with prayer????????

  4. Linda Davidson
    January 29, 2015 at 10:10 am

    No one is against prayer. This being said, this is unacceptable, we do not allow prayer is schools or government offices. If this gentleman wants to pray he should find a quiet room someplace at the airport and do his prayers. The room should allow all people, of faiths, to use that room and pray, not just the Muslims. This is a public building operated by public funds and controlled by the government, FAA TSA.

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