When “Justice” Becomes Persecution

First, they came for Annette Bosworth…bosworth


It brings to mind the quote from Martin Niemoller…

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Whatever you may think about the Bosworth prosecution doesn’t change the fact that Attorney General Jackley, in the minds of MANY people both in and out of South weight lossDakota, has crossed the line from pursuing justice to persecution.  There is no way that the Bosworth “crimes” rise to the level of twelve felony charges bearing the potential of 24 years in prison, $48,000.00 in fines and the loss of her license to practice medicine.  Something much more sinister is at work here.

Personal vendetta? Political payback?  Persecution?

In the name of justice, South Dakotans should rise up in mass Stop it.  Paul Jacobs, author of Common Sense had this to say,  ” From my research, that’s the most severe penalty any American has ever faced on a petition-related charge. Conversely, the transgressions alleged against Dr. Bosworth are arguably the least sinister ever prosecuted.”

Whatever it is, it certainly isn’t “justice”.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

gh 4     “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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9 comments for “When “Justice” Becomes Persecution

  1. tara volesky
    May 9, 2015 at 11:27 am

    Pastor Hickey, I am not against you, but how would you like it if the AG would subpoena all of your church, business, and personal records including bank records and copies of checks and deposits with the intention of bringing charges against you with no opportunity to go through them with the AG or defend anything at all? Would you survive? Also, what if DFP and SDWC made all kinds of accusations against you and had their followers take after you without knowing anything about you, how would that make you feel without even being able to defend yourself?

  2. Gordon Howie
    May 9, 2015 at 4:30 am

    Steve…I am curious if you can confirm or deny that your petitions were “at the counter” for people to sign? Did you personally witness all the signatures of people on every petition that you signed as circulator? I think it is a fair question and the answer should be an easy yes or no….

  3. lorahubbel
    May 8, 2015 at 11:18 pm

    Ok Im not done yet…Hickey, remember when I felt bad for you when you had to get all our signatures over again? When I traipsed all over District 9 to get my signatures I carried a petition for you also. I got over half of what you needed and took the to your church to get notarized. WHEN I WAS THERE THE PETITION CARRIER FOR YOUR OTHER PETITIONS said that YOUR PETITIONS WERE JUST ON THE COUNTER FOR CHURCH MEMBERS TO SIGN. NO PETITION CARRIER WAS AROUND FOR ALL OF YOUR SIGNATURES. How do I know? Your petition carrier told me so. (Yes I did pay over $30 to get your petitions from the SOS when I heard what Jackley was doing to Bosworth to be able to prove you did the same thing she did). The person who says they “Carried” your petitions…who had their signature notarized is just as guilty as Annette. She just happened to be farther away from witnessing the signatures.

    • Steve Hickey
      May 9, 2015 at 10:08 am

      Lora – you got 24 signatures for me that year. Thanks again. I turned in 61 so you didn’t collect half. The rest of your comments are false and you are known for throwing wild accusations out there about people so I guess it’s just my turn.

      • Steve Hickey
        May 9, 2015 at 10:22 am

        I’m getting a chuckle here Lora as a recall some of these things. That day you were standing there in my office you said you were also helping Mike Austed collect signatures (to run against me). I told you that in the redistricting he was no longer in my district. That detail didn’t stop you two. He turned in his signatures and the SOS rejected them a few days later because he was trying to run in a district he didn’t live in.

  4. Steve Hickey
    May 8, 2015 at 8:59 am

    This post made me ill. Boz is getting off easy considering the amounts scammed from others in various states that are beyond prosecution.

    • tara volesky
      May 8, 2015 at 12:52 pm

      Can you show me evidence of that Pastor Hickey, or are you reading to much DFP and SDWC. I happened to read her legal documents over the last 5 years. Did you ever talk to her and listen to her side of the story. This is nothing but a witch hunt. She’s a threat to the establishment, and they want to destroy her because she poked the bear. Maybe you should talk to the distinguished medical Drs. that went to bat for her against the medical board. It’s all politics.

    • lorahubbel
      May 8, 2015 at 9:42 pm

      Hickey…you are a hypocrite who is afraid of being “unpopular” so you will kowtow to any power-wielding politician who wished to use you for a vote. When YOUR petitions were thrown out because you had the wrong date on them YOU were not attacked but allowed to re-gather more signatures to make up for the error. But since you are not an honest man (“Lord, Lord didn’t we cast out demons in your name” – you know the rest…)you cannot admit that EVERY candidate has at least a few names on the list that were not witnessed by the petitioner…even yours.

    • Gary Howie
      May 9, 2015 at 7:41 am

      I have been following the Bosworth issue with interest and concern because Jackley’s charges do indeed sound like they are made by someone with a vendetta. Your statement “Boz is getting off easy considering the amounts scammed from others in various states that are beyond prosecution.” makes ME ill! You are presenting serious charges with no evidence whatsoever. I know nothing of you or your background, but you need either to retract your statement or support it with evidence to maintain any credibility.

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