God Gave Them Up

 Five individuals…court

(5 out of 9) that the United States has arrogantly named SUPREME COURT have declared that God’s plan for mankind is incorrect. Our president (small case) boasted before his first election that the would “fundamentally transform America” and 5 black robed individuals did Adjust that setting aside our Constitution and literally toke over the government telling individuals and states that their opinions do not matter. This is a truly sad day for all who live in the United States and as I shared on my facebook page I hereby declare I do not consider myself a citizen of this country in the respect that I am captive to God and God alone and a citizen of His Kingdom with allegiance to Him first and foremost.

When matters come before me with such major import I turn to Scripture which alone is truth and not what some individual speaks who may have judgmental power given to him by a few individuals who were born in sin. In Romans 1:26 we are told that “God also gave them up to vile passions” which I believe has just happened. Five individuals just rewrote if not completely set aside the Constitution that was written by our founding fathers but even more important they just rewrote God’s law that we know as the 10 Commandments where we are told to “Honor our Father and mother” which is the fundamental unit of what we understand marriage to be. I pray for our nation and our people.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Passion put before faith based principles are pathetic.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Romans 1:26 “God’s plan for marriage clarified”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: God forgive our arrogance and lead us to humility.


1. Do you believe the Supreme Court was correct in their decision on same-sex marriage?

2. On what Scriptural basis do you believe the decision is correct or incorrect/

3. How will a governments decision affect the personal lives of evangelical Christians and how marriage will now be listed on documents of record (ex. husband and wife will no longer be proper wording)?

4. What does Scripture say will be God’s response to those who defy His Law?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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