Lets Get Together

As Christians come under attack ever more increasingly…

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we need to look to those who attack us and see where their strength lies. Recently I went through former President Dwight Eisenhower’s museum and saw a little of the battle plan he laid out to help the allied nations win WWII. I noticed in the re-creation of his offices that not only was he extremely organized but that his family history was also important to him shown by his posting photos of his ancestors and family tree on his wall.

I was reminded of my visit to the museum when reading Ecclesiastes 4:9 where we read of strength coming in numbers who come together with the same goal in mind. That may be what we are seeing the beginning of now as we see our government, courts and a well organized opposition attack those of us with strongly held Bible based beliefs in areas such as sanctity of life and traditional marriage. It is not just we ourselves who are being attacked but the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of Religion and conscience.

It is a well known fact that a single stick is easily broken but when several are placed together it becomes impossible. All of us of like mind with a common goal must unite and support one another in fighting for our faith and freedom. When doing so as Eccl. 9:4 tells us we will have ” a good reward for our labor”. The time is now for all Christians to COME TOGETHER and know that ultimately as Psalm 1:6 tells us “the way of the ungodly will perish”.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Coming together with common cause can further Christ’s message more effectively.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Ecclesiastes 9:4 “rewards of being justified”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord bring us together.


1. In what ways are Christians under attack?

2. What tactics are satan and his followers using to attack devout believers?

3. What examples exist of strength in numbers?

4. How can believers unite?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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