Rounds And Thune Take $150 Billion From Social Security

In the middle of the night, the US Senate stole $150 Billion dollars from Social Security.

Image result for mike roundsImage result for john thune

South Dakota Senators Mike Rounds and John Thune were among the Republican Senators who voted “YES” to this attack against seniors in America.  The money paid into Social Security by millions of Americans was simply scooped out of the program in this late-night deal.  $150 Billion dollars… GONE… in the blink of an eye.

It was a major part of the “Budget Deal” that REMOVED the debt ceiling and sold 58 million barrels of oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves.

So, what’s in this “deal” for Republicans?  It prevents a possible confrontation with Democrats over fiscal insanity which might create a “government shutdown”.  Republicans fear that could disadvantage them in upcoming elections.  It’s that simple.  Political expedience and advantage is more important in the minds of Republicans than the security of senior citizens and fiscal responsibility.

It is a sad day for America.  It is a BAD time to be dependent on Social Security.

Mike Rounds and John Thune have betrayed South Dakota senior citizens.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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25 comments for “Rounds And Thune Take $150 Billion From Social Security

  1. Ann
    March 24, 2016 at 8:24 am

    When you have worked over 50 years and paid Social Security it really is sad for the government to steal it and spend it the way they want to. We need to be allowed to vote for limited terms for all senators and congress people.

    • John Clark
      January 6, 2017 at 9:15 am

      Impeach the senators that pulled this off
      They talk about S S running out of money
      In a few years and they pull this off
      I have paid into SS for years so this could
      Be part of my retirement and this happens
      Like I said Impeach these senators

  2. November 9, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    These people are stealing our money and should be put out of office
    and put in jail for stealing our money !!!!

    • Barbara Sinelnikoff
      November 10, 2015 at 11:38 pm

      You’re absolutely correct, but you keep voting them in…..

      • November 11, 2015 at 2:20 am

        You are correct too, as long as you don’t include ME in your definition of YOU 🙂

  3. C Parman
    November 6, 2015 at 10:08 pm

    Thank you for reporting what we have not heard on national media. This government is so crooked and stealing from the elderly while they have a very cushioned life is just despicable. Next they will get rid of us with the right to death issues they are pushing in some states. Out here in the country people get put in prison for embezzling. Why not the whole congress? Because they have just robbed us of what we thought we had saved. Proves the gov’t cant run anything, especially the new health care?

    • Nunya Bidness
      November 11, 2015 at 1:38 am

      Unfortunately, “out here in the country” we don’t actually send our worst criminals to prison, we send them to Washington. And then we wonder why everyone in Congress is a criminal. It’s amazing how quickly a scandal disappears once a former small state governor becomes a big-shot Senator. And then we can all pretend that the guy we voted for isn’t really a criminal.

  4. November 5, 2015 at 10:47 pm

    My word! Another theft by government and another reason for Jesus Christ to return soon.

  5. Jeanette Green
    November 5, 2015 at 7:22 pm

    The people on Social Security EARNED that money. What gave YOU the right to STEAL that money away? This is an outrage! Put that money back! I can not believe Senators from South Dakota voted to take this money out of Social Security.

    • Barb
      November 7, 2015 at 6:13 am

      I can believe Rounds and Thune would do this. Remember EB 5? Another of Round’s dirty deals.

  6. Karen
    November 5, 2015 at 3:03 pm

    It is so sad to think that they can take 150 billion out of Social Security for what? To spend on something that doesn’t benefit anybody. I will write all of my representatives of this state to tell them how displeased I am and everyone should do the same. Maybe not reelect them would be better!!

    • Barbara Sinelnikoff
      November 10, 2015 at 11:41 pm

      They have been stealing social security money for years just to balance the budget, and or give it to some other project. Voting them out would be good, but you would have to ki8ck a lot of people in the head. Also, if no one runs against them, well you’re stuck with them.

  7. Karen
    November 5, 2015 at 2:59 pm

    23459 442nd Avenue

  8. Beth
    November 5, 2015 at 1:36 pm

    Why be surprised at our SD Senator’s votes or any of the congressmen. They enjoy the best salaries,
    health care, pensions, and perks that the rest of the country will never have. Anyone who thinks FOX
    News is the ” whole truth and nothing but the truth” is totally brainwashed to the poisonous material
    Larry King and the commentators on it are spewing out. Also complaining about the those asking the
    questions on the debates and an an article suggesting Rush Limbaugh as a replacement has a sense of humor but very little intelligence. And Democrats-you don’t get a free pass. If it was possible to throw both parties out of office, I’d be first in line to hold open the door!

  9. Beth
    November 5, 2015 at 1:07 pm

    Why should we be surprised at their actions or any of the congressmen. They enjoy the best salaries,
    health care, pensions, and perks that the rest of the country will never have.

  10. Steve
    November 5, 2015 at 11:00 am

    Love this test of intelligence.

    The dems who are spending like crazy demands the debt ceiling be raised again else they will have to cut social security. This article is likely correct the idiot Reps didn’t want to fight and be accused of cutting SS when the money like $150 Billion really goes to Iran. So the Dems are allowed to print more money putting us deeper in debt (now over $500,00 per american owed) they also ripped off the SS anyway. Then articles like this are published mentioning none of the Dems which voted for it and instead select 2 of the Reps they want to win against in the elections as the *only ones who betrayed senior citizens. The Dems get to put us in more debt, funnel the money under a lie to Iran, the banks, etc. while pretending to save social security agreed to rob social security anyway and then blame it ALL on the Reps for giving them what they wanted.

    As I said, this is an intelligence test. Who’s at fault?

    If you said the Dems, or you said the Reps, you loose. The correct answer is ALL OF THE ABOVE. Both Parties are screwing you and can get away with it by getting to hate the other instead of throwing them both out.

  11. Michael Rosenthal
    November 5, 2015 at 10:31 am

    I’m totally ashamed to call myself a republican, the way you all play games with the economy is appalling. I believe anyone n government should be paid the same as the American working class, 45,000 a year same benefits as the American worker, no pension no lifetime benefits, when your fired your done. Do your f’n jobs leave our SS funds alone.

  12. L Baxter
    November 4, 2015 at 11:05 pm

    Bastards take OUR money cause they can! Stop paying benefits to illegal and lying cheating citizens and buck up the bucks we WORKED hard for. Ya know it ain’t that much that we are getting anyone. Take it from YOUR pay check cut you’re doing a crappy job if you have to steal OUR PAID BENEFITS. Borrow the Frick in $ from China like you do for all the other bs stuff.

  13. donna Bruhn
    November 4, 2015 at 6:48 pm

    This is so wrong! How dare you politicians play God over money that people have put on by working their entire lives! This is not your money to play with. I am outraged. You all need to be voted out and NOW! Enough!

  14. Kenneth C. Stuart
    November 4, 2015 at 1:16 pm

    Republicans in our sacred state probably has a great many retirees depending on friends, family and Social Security to exist and you two are set for life with all of your “freebies” gotten at my expense. Put it back. Social Security is just that. Security, and I’ve been paying into it since the early ’40’s and my wife since the ’60’s. No raise this coming January so that probably means they knew ahead of time that the money was going to be stolen. I cry for hurt and your CARE-LESS-ness. Shame on you..

  15. kathleen ward
    November 4, 2015 at 12:06 pm

    writing to you from Salem Ma,~ this just so wrong~ and unjust!

  16. Randall K Crawford
    November 4, 2015 at 10:13 am

    The time has come, many years ago, the theft of money from our future is not ever going to be for our benefit. The GOP and the Dems are all crooked and this type of behavior proves that statement. They have no intention of ever paying it back. But they do intend to abolish Social Security when they have spent it all on their foolish bullshit. When it no longer supports their lavish lifestyle they will move on to something else to ****up. I have NO FAITH in your governing ability, and it appears you don’t either. What a bunch of thieves.

  17. November 4, 2015 at 9:57 am

    This has been going on since the 1950’s. When Eisenhower the Republican party sued SSI for access to the trust. This was done in reaction to the set up by FDR adopting the SSI into LAW.

    What I would like to know is how many time SSI/SSDI has been robbed by both parties? Hand HOW MUCH?

    I think it’s stupid that the republican party wants to gut SSI/SSDI for lack of funds in the SSI/SSDI trust fund. AND NOW THEIR ROBBING $150,000. FROM THE TRUST!!!!!


    The Republican say’s they don’t want more spending, BUT every one I have read about (both from both sides of issues) is like a kid in a candy store. they have a dime in their pocket and want a quarter’s worth of candy and they will do anything to get their way, legally and illegally.

    When Rounds was governor of this great state there was serval federal grant programs that stated to be abused, and now there are a lot of people dead because of Rounds NOT DOING what he was elected to do. So when his vote to rob SSI/SSDI that doesn’t surprise me.

    As for Thune he’s just another GOP lackey will do what the GOP wants regardless if it right or not!!

  18. November 4, 2015 at 8:11 am

    Way to go Mr. Howe in telling what are elected officials are doing to our Social Security.

  19. colette swan
    November 4, 2015 at 7:22 am

    i like other seniors have paid into this system all of our lives. i started paying when i was 15. none of us would mind paying taxes because it is necessary to run our country, but what you just did is called stealing. we voted you into your offices to do the right thing but you have not. taking money from us to give to leeches, illegals, and to the muslims taking over our country. we all live on a budget and we dont spend more than we have. go to the grocery store and see what a senior puts in their cart. you cant continue to take money from us. what do you want us to do? we cant work anymore so we have to live on what we have paid into the system. you just pushed seniors and disabled americans to an early grave–oh wait we cant afford a funeral.

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