The New Republican Party

It is no longer the Party of Ronald Reagan.

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It certainly isn’t the Party of Conservative Christians.

The Republican Party has long been the Party with the platform embraced by Conservative Christians.  It is also the Party whose leaders have routinely abandoned the platform.

Since Ronald Reagan, the Party has accepted candidates who simply don’t represent the principles that sent him to the White House.  Some would argue that these “new Republicans” have given us Clinton and Obama.  Now, they have given us Donald Trump.

The nomination of less-than-Conservative candidates has cost Republicans the White House in several recent elections.  The nomination of Trump may prove to be different.  America seems to be ready for a “New Republican”.  He just won’t be a Conservative, and he certainly doesn’t represent Christian principles.  He may very well win the White House for the Republican Party.

Conservative Christians are being called upon now, to “get behind” a man who does not come close to representing the principles they hold dear, so Republicans can “win”.  Some will fall in line.  Many will not.  It might not matter.

Trump may be the Republican candidate who can win without Conservative Christians.  That will accomplish the goal of the Republican Party; “winning”.  The nomination process is over.  Donald Trump now leads the Republican Party.

The NEW Republican Party doesn’t want another Ronald Reagan.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”



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1 comment for “The New Republican Party

  1. Ckark sowers
    May 5, 2016 at 10:54 am

    The election now is about the supreme court and letting God do his work.

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