Aliens On Earth

As I have shared in the past…

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… to a large extent I feel as if I am an alien on earth. Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t believe I came here from Mars as one book once proclaimed of all men. I am alien because I believe God placed His presence in me here only to have it and myself to return to Him for all eternity one day. Unlike NASA’S desire to search Mars for evidence of life, I desire to search Heaven where I know life exists.

In 2 Corinthians 4:18 we have the summary that best explains how we are to walk through life. Experience and enjoy the effects on our 5 senses (taste, smell, touch, hearing and sight) but know they end with our last breath. What we need to seek is that which is eternal and is not seen or sensed.

It is somewhat difficult to explain but let me try. True reality for me begins with faith. This is best explained in Hebrews 11:1. As a follower of Christ our home is truly not of this world. Our home is not in an Atlas or a place your GPS will lead you to. It’s reality lies not in being seen from where you live but in the faith that gives you a certain evidence or assurance that is difficult to explain.

As I embrace this faith with all my heart, I find myself ever more so a stranger on this earth. One of the “strangers and pilgrims on the earth” that Hebrews 11:13  speaks of. The reason being that this faith gives present reality to what I hope for and that allows me to love freely and to complete the ‘divine virtue trinity’ of faith, hope and love. This is what God desires for each of us.

The problem in our world is that the church and we Christians are remaining silent on this truth. Perhaps not completely understanding it ourselves. Silence in this case is not golden. It leads to a people without hope and the love which comes out of it. It leads to chaos and a broken society and world. For those of us with faith, hope and love we continue here for a short time as ALIENS ON EARTH.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Faith helps us to face a world filled with faults.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: 2 Corinthians 4:18 “that which is eternal”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord thank you for bringing faith into my life.


  1. Have you ever felt like an alien on earth?
  2. Do you  have the presence of God within you?
  3. Is it possible to live a life without that presence?
  4. How should one work with those still seeking hope?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a former S.D. State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerkeRead more from Gary at Encouraging Others in Christ


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