The Importance Of A Blessing

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Long standing tradition has it that when a young man seeks to marry someone’s daughter that they ask for the girl’s father’s blessing. I experienced that as I am sure many of you did. A blessing which in Biblical terminology is a benediction has long standing tradition. In fact it was instituted by God moments after He created man and woman (Genesis 1:27-28). This act of blessing is divinely approved (Deuteronomy 10:8) and from its Jewish tradition continues to this day.

There are numerous benediction forms but the one we know best is the Aaronic blessing. It is first recorded in Numbers 6:24-26 where the Lord spoke it to Moses to share with Aaron and the people of Israel. It is the words many, if not most, Christians close their worship service with and is meant to relay God’s blessing on His people. In fact the words were Jesus’s last words as He raised His hands in blessing before His ascension (Luke 24:50-51).

Today this benediction is still important in Jewish tradition. Fathers speak the words over their daughters before Friday evening meals. In the Synagogues it is a part of worship but preceded with the word ‘shalom’ meaning peace. A tradition that ties the Jewish and Christian faith together since the time of Christ.

Also today we carry this act of benediction into our home as we say a blessing before our meals. This blessing dates back long before Christ whenever bread was on the table and now continues even when the bread is absent. A short prayer of blessing was said before the meal and a long blessing after always thanking God for His wonderful favor. This is THE IMPORTANCE OF A BLESSING.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Benedictions or blessings have a beloved history since the beginning of time.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Numbers 6:24-26 “the characteristics of a blessing”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord thank you for all Your many blessings.


  1. What is the Aaronic benediction found in Numbers 6:24-26?
  2. Upon who all in Scripture was a benediction pronounced?
  3. What historic significance is there in ‘breaking bread’ and having it on the table to eat?
  4. Do you say a blessing before you eat?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a former S.D. State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerkeRead more from Gary at Encouraging Others in Christ


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