Trump Fails Again

Several days of media coverage exposes Trumps latest shortcoming.

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The problem is, that is isn’t really a Trump problem.

His response to the violence in Virginia didn’t rise to the level of political correctness demanded by the Left and the Media.  Their outrage doesn’t include those who embrace their own ideology… just those with whom they disagree.

Trump clearly condemned racism and violence in his initial statement.  That wasn’t good enough.  He didn’t call by name all of the groups who promote hate and racism.  He went even farther astray by daring to suggest that he condemned this kind of behavior from people on “many sides”.  Horror!  That would include Leftists who may be guilty of the same.

Trump has, on several occasions (including this week) “named” the groups he condemns for this kind of behavior.  “Too little, too late.”  “It was only campaign rhetoric.”  “He wasn’t genuine”.

These who are screaming the loudest are those who want to do to our nation’s history what Hillary Clinton and her company of thugs did to her incriminating electronic devices… Destroy it!  The scrubbing, sanitizing and revision our history does not serve our nation well.  Removing the statue of Robert E. Lee is part of the same misguided mindset that reaches far and wide.  In South Dakota, it has changed the name of Annie Talent Grade School and Harney Peak.  I have to wonder when we will be required to remove a face from Mt. Rushmore.

Let’s face it.  The Media has gone mad.  The Left has gone lunatic.  It seems that most Republicans aren’t far behind.

In the meantime, Trump is President.  Get over it.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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2 comments for “Trump Fails Again

  1. Tara Volesky
    August 15, 2017 at 1:08 pm

    Very good Gordon.

  2. Moi
    August 15, 2017 at 9:57 am

    You don’t actually know what I think about those on the left who commit outrages, Gordon. You are making stuff up. It damages your credibility.

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