Should You Join The Constitution Party?

Political Party affiliation is an important consideration.

Principle Over Politics

In the State of South Dakota, there is another option if you aren’t happy with the Republican or Democrat Party.  It is the Constitution Party.

Perhaps you, like me, have become weary of the two choices frequently available…. a tax and spend liberal Democrat or a tax and spend liberal Republican.

I personally like the Republican platform.  The problem is that many elected Republicans  simply ignore it.  The common practice has become joining the Party because “it is the only way to get elected”.  Principle, for those kind of politicians, has nothing to do with Party affiliation.

I have no quarrel with conservative Republicans who are working to change their Party from within.  Many are my friends.  We agree on the principles by which our government should operate.  I wish them well and support their efforts.  I am just no longer willing to belong to a Party whose leadership is more concerned with political expedience and their next election than they are with principle.  My choice, for this time, is to work toward effecting change from outside the Republican Party.

I have changed my Party affiliation to the Constitution Party.  You may be interested in some of the things that encouraged me to make this choice:.

Then, there is the Preamble to the Party Platform:

“The Constitution​​ Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we​​ work to restore and preserve these United States.

This great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions but on a foundation of Christian principles and values. For this very reason peoples of all faiths have been and are​​ afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

I don’t expect to agree with everyone in the Constitution Party on every issue.  What I do expect is that the foundational principles included in these declarations will guide the Party and it’s members.  I also expect to help provide a genuine CHOICE for voters, rather than the current two shades of the same color.

John Quincy Adams said, ” Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”  He was right. I am following his advice.

I invite you to join me.

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media

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