Belatedly, let’s remember

Editor’s Note: When I saw this article written by Rich Grassi at The Tactical Wire, I realized that I too had not remembered the events of 4/19/1995 at Oklahoma City and I share this here with you.


I plead guilty: April 19 passed me by without notice. I render my apology and take this space to note the loss of 168 souls lost at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City OK on 19 April 1995.

Sixteen years have escaped without trace. During those years, we lost three thousand more in New York City as well as others on the ground and in the skies of Southwest Asia. The Murrah and WTC victims share a characteristic: they didn’t know there was a fight. All those people in the WTC and first responders who entered to save lives started out their day not knowing that a crooked, spindly SOB living in a dirt hut gave the green light to the flying fanatics – and that their fates forever entwined.

The people in Murrah, including far too many children in daycare, were in White as befits someone in a secure federal facility in the middle of the U.S. It’s not like they were at our embassy in Tehran.

A pasty-faced puke with an attitude decided he’d right the wrongs he felt imposed on our citizenry – all the while being active duty U.S. Army, taking government money. While he demonstrated all the destruction he could cause while no one was looking, he submitted to a traffic cop because he (a moron) failed to put the tag back on his car.

Being so proud of his achievement, he was quick to ask for a lawyer as soon as it was apparent they were interested in him for the OKC bombing. When he got his defense team, he said he wanted to argue necessity.

A little-known defense, it’s an argument of competing harms: acting to break a law in the rare event that obeying the law would predictably lead to human death or injury. Examining his logic, it’s obviously grotesque and immature. Our citizens hadn’t yet reached the tipping point at the ballot box level only reaching that level last November.

Belatedly, I offer prayers for the lost, their families and friends. As to the perp, he can plead that case in front of the highest court.


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