Can South Dakota Be The First Abortion Free State?

The 2012 elections will have a serious impact on the pro-life movement.  Removing Obama from office would be a significant and positive step.

But is there any real hope to end abortion, after all these years and 54 million children killed by abortion?  The short answer is yes.  But where?

South Dakota could become the first abortion free state.

For that to happen, we need leaders to step up and demand an end to abortion in South Dakota.  Pastors must call their congregations to accountability for having done little or nothing to stop the killing of unborn children in South Dakota, and insist that they DO SOMETHING now.

We certainly should replace EVERY Legislator who is not supportive of the defence of unborn children.  No candidate should win election unless they will demand an end to this practice which harms women and kills children.

Beyond that, and even though a pro-life Legislature is essential, the battle MUST be won in the streets.  There have been Legislative victories over the years, but little children are still killed each week in South Dakota.  The South Dakota Department of Health reports that abortions are done at the Rapid City Regional Hospital, and Planned Parenthood in Sioux Falls.  As surely as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King led this nation in the fight for civil rights, destiny now calls for leaders who will fight for the rights and lives of unborn children.  If we will take up the challenge and end abortion in South Dakota, the nation will follow.

Will this be the year??  You get to help decide the answer to that question, based on what you are willing to do.  If you are interested in joining others to make South Dakota abortion free, please contact me to discuss how you can help.

Watch for this years Festival For Life, but DON’T WAIT for someone else to take action.  We need your help NOW!

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


2 comments for “Can South Dakota Be The First Abortion Free State?

  1. SDAthiest
    January 5, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    You have one giant hurtle (sic) to overcome, actually probably more then (sic) one. But the biggest is your beliefs constitutionality.(sic) Simply put, it isn’t. No self respecting Judge, Attorney General, decent person would allow your beliefs to infiltrate a government that protects against religious influences or invasions of privacy. You have lost every attempt, give it up already.

    • January 7, 2012 at 7:03 am

      Your ignorance of the English language (maybe you should look up “hurdle”) is only exceeded by your obvious ignorance of the US Constitution. Go study the history of the drafting of the US Constitution. Read of the intent of the drafters. Educate yourself before you vomit words that you have read from others that revise history to further their mission to expel God from our country.
      One more thing, Mr. SDAtheist, don’t bother to share your ignorance without the courage to take responsibility for your vomit. If you can’t sign it, don’t write it. Cowards have no credibility here.

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