Author: Gordon Howie

A Man Who Changed The World

William Wilberforce was a man with a purpose. Wilberforce had a deep, strong conviction that slavery was wrong. He worked tirelessly in the abolition movement. His motivation was to use the principles of his faith to serve God in public life. …


Will Someone Please Say “No”

Just a quick look at America’s political reality: Over $ 17 1/2 TRILLION dollar national debt.          Establishment, career politicians of both parties recently removed the limits on the debt ceiling. Nearly $130 TRILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities.    Budget busting Republicans and Democrats…


Abraham Lincoln Pointed Nation To God

January 5, 1863 President Abraham Lincoln confirms his objective of “Righteous peace” for America.   Lincoln’s response to a letter  written from some people who were praying for him: “It is most cheering and encouraging for me to know that in the efforts which…


Fire Shinseki, Hire Romney

Obama has plenty of good options to clean up the VA mess. He first needs to fire Shinseki.  How many veterans need to die before Obama actually DOES something? The argument fielded even by some Republicans is that replacing Shinseki…


A Politician Who Prayed

George Washington was a man of faith. This prayer was taken from his personal prayer journal.   O eternal and everlasting God, I presume to present myself this morning before thy Divine majesty, beseeching thee to accept of my humble…


Good Old Boys

The US Chamber of Commerce does not want to “rock the boat”. “Sit down and shut up”, was the advice Chamber president, Tom Donahue had for Senator Ted Cruz. That, in a nutshell, explains the philosophy of the US Chamber…


Will Christians Vote Their Values?

America was built on Judeo-Christian values. Unfortunately, American voters have chosen to “look the other way” when casting their ballots. About half of all believers don’t even bother to cast a ballot.  They aren’t registered to vote, or just don’t…
