Author: Gordon Howie

Killing Obamacare

When I introduced the Health Care Freedom Act in the 2010 session of the South Dakota State Senate, establishment Republicans and Democrats joined forces to kill the bill.  It would have stopped Obamacare in South Dakota.  Why, you may ask,…


A Balanced Budget Can Be BAD

How can it be BAD to balance a government budget?   Some politicians “balance” the budget with smoke and mirrors.  It allows them to proclaim fiscal responsibility while, behind the scenes, they are busy really growing government. One way these…


The Sin Of Silence

Doing nothing, saying nothing is not an option for believers. Christ called us to be the “Salt of the earth”.  Time and time again the scriptures exhort us to action.  One of the best examples is the parable Jeus told…


Benghazi Deception By Obama

A clearly false narrative regarding the Benghazi murders was promoted  by senior White House officials. Representative Michele Bachmann challenged these false assertions in the House Intel Committee hearing. President Obama and chief White House officials intentionally misled the American people to…


Agreeing With A Democrat

There are some Democrats with whom I can agree.    President John F. Kennedy laid out an agenda that would provide a wonderful basis for American bi-partisanship and progress.   This is the script from his inaugural address on Jan.…


News For TODAY

Our mission is to promote conservative, Christian principles. Millions of people have enjoyed the Life and Liberty Media network, including Liberty Today TV. Our mission depends on many dedicated volunteers and supporters. As we expand the reach of our message,…



A bumper sticker from the past reads. “Don’t re-elect anyone”.   It sounded a bit radical when I first saw it.  Surely there are SOME people in elected office worthy of another term. Unfortunately, job number one for politicians becomes…


Naked And Afraid

The new reality shows continue to push the envelope. Still, the title to this program intrigues me. The picture in my mind is quite different than the one you’ll see on the TV screen. I think of families in America…


Cuts In Military

Deep cuts in American military budgets don’t seem to be hindering stupid spending. The National Journal reports that the Pentagon spends $300,000 EVERY YEAR to study the body language of world leaders. While the Pentagon spokesman didn’t say exactly WHO…
