Naked And Afraid

The new reality shows continue to push the envelope.

Still, the title to this program intrigues me.

The picture in my mind is quite different than the one you’ll see on the TV screen. I think of families in America who are being stripped of their life savings and left to fend for themselves in an unfriendly economy.

Seniors who have worked their whole lives have seen their investments disappear or devalue to the point they are worthless. If they have saved cash, their CD’s are literally producing NO INCOME. Job-creating investors in the housing and development business have seen their fortunes vanish before their eyes, while banks have shut off their credit lines which allowed them to employ people and create income. Young families have lost jobs and struggle to keep food on the table.

Granted, that is a pretty dismal picture. It does not describe all Americans. Thereshed ad are still those who are living in this economic jungle without yet being stripped naked (economically). They still have a good job or their business is still working. That could change overnight. It already has for those people I mentioned.

Millions of Americans are struggling because of the bad choices and policies of our nations leaders. There is more to come.

The solution for these “survivors” coming from our government is one that only further exacerbates the problem. That is “we will take care of you”. More food stamps, more welfare, more… more… more. Actually, all the government “help” is a road to LESS. Less freedom, less opportunity, less income and less hope for a secure future.

So, what can we do?

America is still the land of opportunity for those willing and able to find it. It is time for new and bold action. Families need to re-invent the way they live, earn and spend. Reducing or eliminating ALL debt is a good start. Developing self-sufficiency rather than looking to the government for help is imperative. Find ways to generate income on your own rather than just counting on the job you have held for years. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to plant a garden and learn how to can and preserve produce. Take some precaution and make some preparation.

Don’t go hide in a cave, but don’t think you couldn’t find yourself or your family, suddenly…. naked and afraid.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“America needs to know the truth, without which, she will surely lose her freedom.”

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