Author: Gordon Howie

A Note To Aspiring New Legislators

In South Dakota, the Republican Legislators elected in November have the opportunity to choose their own leadership.  They can continue with the divisive leadership of the past two years, or chart a new course toward party unity and even-handed leadership.…


Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and… Health Care

Independence Day is a wonderful day of celebration.  This year we should celebrate by renewing our commitment to preserving the freedom we celebrate. While many Americans enjoy a backyard barbecue, our country is on fire… literally.  We are TRILLIONS of dollars…


Let’s Make A Deal

Should Democrats and conservative Republicans “make a deal” to elect better leadership? That is a question that is un-nerving to some.  It was suggested in an article written by David Montgomery in which he made this statement… “Howie floated the…


Nasty Bloggers

Some people insist on polluting the internet.  Isn’t it time to clean up the trash?? The managers of many blogs simply allow any kind of comment, and then boast about the “participation” on their site.  The Life and Liberty Media…


South Dakota Is A Leader In Obama Care

Despite claims by the South Dakota leadership that they “oppose ObamaCare”, millions of dollars have been taken from the federal government, and even President Obama refers to South Dakota as a “Level One” state. It seems that South Dakota leaders…


Big Tent In The GOP

 The “Big Tent” philosophy in the GOP has created a “Big Hole”.  A Big Deep Hole! This “big hole” lets left-wing liberals in.  It is also the hole through which conservatives are exiting. Still, some conservatives are working hard to…
