Category: National News

National US News

Will Dodd-Frank Bite The Dust?

Small businesses and community banks are hoping so. President Trump has promised to take action to eliminate the regulations that have put many community banks out of business and caused hundreds of thousands of small businesses to close their doors. Just a few…


Sixteen Years Old… And Pregnant

When the phone rang… … the receptionist at the Pregnancy Help Center heard the voice of Cecillia’s Step Father.  He was calling to schedule an appointment for her.  After speaking briefly with him, the counselor asked to speak with his Step…


VX, The Killer of Kim Jong Nam

The assassination of Kim Jong-Un’s brother was like something out of a James Bond movie. I’ll confess, I didn’t know what VX was until I began reading about this murder. You would think that this man would have known his…


Reasonable Democrats

Some Democrats are logical, reasonable and rational… They are truthful, they don’t exaggerate, they are fair-minded and always kind. I just couldn’t find one this morning. ***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media*** “It’s not…


Words That Kill

Sticks and stones can break my bones… … but words can never hurt me. I grew up hearing that lie.  Yes, it’s a BIG lie.  Words can be very hurtful. Scripture places a high importance on words.  Mathew 12:36 says…
