Category: National News

National US News

The Political Land Of Oz

Do you have the feeling there is something behind the curtain? Deleted emails. Refusal to disclose tax returns. Lies. Millions… no, Billions of dollars of inappropriate donations. Slander and defamation. Pro abortion, then suddenly pro life. What is Aleppo? Secrecy…


Is Hillary Guilty?

Consciousness of Guilt is a legal concept used to establish intent. The following is a straightforward explanation (from California but should be essentially the same for the U.S. Codes). Note that two types of consciousness of guilt are 1.) making…


Does God Belong In American Politics?

Our Founding Fathers thought so. This video from Prager University discusses the historical facts. While they may have had some theological differences, they were unquestionably Christian men who believed that the Christian teachings on morality were an essential part of…


Hillary’s Health

Is it really an issue? Some people would like to make it an issue, but does it really matter? It mattered to William Henry Harrison.  He became the ninth President of the United States, only to die about 30 days…



Grateful begins with the little things. Bishop Lorenzo Kelly shared his thoughts on “grateful” in this segment of Liberty Today, from a couple years ago. The past two years have been difficult for Bishop Kelly.  Despite the challenges, his dedication…
