Category: National News

National US News

Planned Parenthood Endorses Clinton

No surprise here. In announcing the endorsement, PP President Cecile Richards said,  “Health care for an entire generation is at stake.”  She didn’t mention that Planned Parenthood has murdered an entire generation.  She also failed to mention that abortion is…


The King of Bull****

President Obama answers a Sheriff’s question on guns. Well, not really. I have heard, if you can’t say something nice… don’t say anything. For now, I won’t say anything. ***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty…


Faith Or Hope?

The condition referred to as ‘mental assent’ happens when one tries to act as if they are in faith when they are really still in hope. Hope comes before faith. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the…


Parents In Waiting

Our St. Bernards are expecting a family!!! Bodacious and Sophia will be proud parents later this month!  You can see more (or reserve your puppy) at the Holy Cow Ranch website. ***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and…


Mark DiSanto Is Running For Office

The Pennington County Commission needs some new blood. Mark DiSanto announced this week that he is running for a seat on the  Pennington County Commission.  That is a VERY good thing. Voters were successful in reversing the action of the current…


The Energy Of God Within Us

Yesterday I filled my car with gas. Had I not done so it would have eventually stopped and with time if not cared for rusted into oblivion. In many respects humanity is like a car only what keeps us going is…


Obama Rated 3rd Best President

A recent survey shows Washington and Lincoln tied for 1st place. Obama placed 3rd. All the other Presidents tied for 2nd. ***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media*** “It’s not about right or left, it’s…
