Category: National News

National US News

The Senator Who Saved Christmas

Don’t miss this new Christmas classic! ***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media*** “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.” You can help: Pray Make a small (or large) donation “friend” me…


Republicans Find A New Low

We already knew that most of the Republicans were not conservative. But we didn’t really comprehend just how bad it was.  Until now. The spending bill which totally funds the Obama agenda (including the continued funding of Planned Parenthood) would…


Funding Muslims In South Dakota

We haven’t heard the last about Muslim refugees in South Dakota. By supporting the new spending bill, Senator Mike Rounds and Kristi Noem guaranteed it. This from Breitbart News:How many of these hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants will be…


Rounds And Noem Support Spending Bill

*** corrected, edited post *** Despite broad voter disapproval of the Ryan Omnibus Spending Bill… Rounds and Noem are in lock-step with the Obama agenda and increased spending. Apologies to Senator John Thune, who we previously and erroneously reported had voted…


Someone Is Watching You

This is unsettling. Yesterday morning I met my two Pastors, Bishop Lorenzo Kelly and Bishop Troy Carr for breakfast.  We do that frequently.  Nothing new here. BUT… While I was waiting, I was doing some work with my cell phone. …


Have Republicans Gone Mad?

Passing the Ryan Omnibus Bill they would prove it. This spending bill isn’t JUST a spending bill.  It is the Republican seal of approval on MANY things Americans DO NOT WANT.  Some of the things it does:Many committed Republicans believe…


Trump Gets It Right

I don’t support Trump for President. But I am always willing to give credit when credit is due. His statement regarding the Republican spending bill couldn’t be more on target.  “If anyone needed more evidence of why the American people…


Donald Trump: Kill All The Cows

I’m waiting breathlessly. Waiting for Donald Trump to proclaim that we should save the planet by killing all cows. The outcry would be immediate. Cows are sacred in India, so he has just alienated all continental Indians and insulted their…
