Category: National News

National US News

Move Over Mitt

The most recent polls show Mitt Romney clearly ahead of all opposition, with 21%. The next in line are Paul and Huckabee with 11%, followed by Bush at 10%.  Others follow in close single digits. In his “I will not…


Why Is GOP Afraid?

Is the GOP operating out of fear?  Buck Sexton poses a few pointed questions in this short video. What do YOU think? ***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***      “It’s not about right or left,…


Does It Matter?

 What difference are you making? Some time ago I met with the leader of an organization who was looking for support.  I asked him a simple question. “What will NOT happen if you aren’t here?” My point was, did it…


Teacher Pay Solutions

 Educators in South Dakota have long been underpaid. Attempts have been made to correct the problem, but none have been successful.  There really are some simple solutions if political leaders would have the courage to pursue them. The money needs to…


Powerful Politician Silenced?

National Investigative Journalist, Lee Stranahan reports… Stranahan has spent considerable time and energy investigating political corruption in South Dakota.  What he is uncovering includes what some suspect are attempts to silence challengers to the political establishment.  One in particular is Annette Bosworth,…
