Category: National News

National US News

American Debt Keeps Growing

In case you haven’t been watching, America’s debt is now over $ 17 1/2 TRILLION dollars. And growing fast! Still, $17 1/2 Trillion is a small number, when you look at some of the “unfunded liabilities”, which total over $123…


The Written Word Of God

Bishop Lorenzo Kelly is a man who knows the Word of God. He talked with Gordon Howie on Liberty Today TV about the importance of the written Word, prophesy and the signs of the times. Liberty Today TV is reaching…


Not Quite President

Barry Goldwater was an outspoken opponent of big government. That didn’t get him elected President. Whether he was more right, than wrong, history will continue to judge him.  Regardless, as a US Senator, he was a fierce defender of freedom…


Republican Values

The Republican party platform is a good reflection of values embraced by rank and file party members.   Unfortunately, many ELECTED Republicans don’t see any reason to follow the direction given by their own party platform. Bob Ellis and Gordon…


Killing Obamacare

When I introduced the Health Care Freedom Act in the 2010 session of the South Dakota State Senate, establishment Republicans and Democrats joined forces to kill the bill.  It would have stopped Obamacare in South Dakota.  Why, you may ask,…


No Cow Justifies Federal Heavy-Handedness

Evoking memories and comparisons to the Ruby Ridge debacle in 1992, a Nevada rancher is going head-to-head with federal thugs in Nevada–where 85% of the state is controlled by the federal government. Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval (Photo credit: Brian Sandoval)…
