Time For Bold New Leadership

America is changing fast, and it’s not a GOOD change.

We seem to be led from one crisis to another.  Much of it is by design.

The liberal left has gone even farther left in its incessant march toward socialism.  As if that weren’t bad enough, those who once seemed conservative have followed the left.  What once would have been considered leftist liberal thinking has become acceptable behavior for those calling themselves conservative.

How can it be that our country is rushing headlong toward the left when Republicans control most Governorships, State Legislatures and the US House of Representatives?  The answer is clear.  Elected Republicans think more like liberal Democrats than conservative Republicans.  The tenth amendment to the Constitution gives MOST power to the states.  That does little or no good if Governors and State Legislatures bow to the dictates of the Federal government, led by liberal leftists.

Bold new leadership from the states is the last political hope for American survival.

Conservative Republicans find themselves on the outside looking in at their own party.  While National and State Republican party platforms are clearly conservative, party leaders simply ignore their own party platform.  Voters accept this behavior because they still believe their leaders are “conservative”.

Conservatives who dare question the credentials of the new Republican left are branded as Wing Nuts and extremists who are “out of touch” with reality.

Wake up, America!  While you have been hibernating, the left has hijacked the Republican party.  Working together, the Democrats and left-leaning Republicans are destroying our country!


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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1 comment for “Time For Bold New Leadership

  1. Jerry Erickson
    December 27, 2012 at 9:41 am

    You’d think it was almost or even past time to pick the peas, but we’ve grown too used to well-groomed enemies in suits, living as we do, driving the same vehicles, sharing the same zip codes, even sharing the same stage under the same flag. We’ll have to slog it out, battle by battle, issue and legislation, vote by vote.

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